Answered>Order 9594

Hi, need to submit a 250 words essay on the topic Terrorism and Globalization.

While such benefits either maintain or heighten the status of globalization, globalized progress occurs at the cost of the distribution of gains. Where considerable gains are obtained by rich nations or individuals, greater inequalities result, further causing potential conflicts within local settings and abroad. Another probable cost is perceived in the control of national economies which could shift from sovereign governments to other entities, typically leading to extreme nationalism or the rise to fundamentalist political movements (Intriligator).

These ends eventually trigger the emergence of terrorism by an organization or movement that feels the necessity to contradict the direction of globalized trends especially on the thought that globalization promotes inequality and uneven allocation of the country’s goods, impoverishing minorities. This becomes, hence, one of the great causes behind the creation of terrorist groups such as the al-Qaeda and the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) of the Reconstruction era in the U.S. which have both carried out severe violent reactions after the principal objective of advancing extreme ideologies as global jihadism and white supremacy with anti-immigration, respectively. Through suicide bombings of the al-Qaeda and KKK’s hostile killings with cross burnings, state authorities and the general public are reminded of being careful with the steps taken toward political and economic aims across the

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