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Compose a 1000 words essay on World after the Zombie Apocalypse. Needs to be plagiarism free!

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Different preparedness strategies were communicated to countries through the internet, novels, films, scientific advice, and religion advices (Zombie Apocalypse). People had different perceptions about the zombie apocalypse. Some believed this would happen, and therefore took the advice seriously, however others thought of it as a prank, and did not take any precautions. Things greatly changed when this became a reality. The zombies invasion came, and humans were devastated. Despite the human underestimation of the zombies, terming them as weak and defenceless, the high-tech defence systems of humans did not count during the zombie apocalypse (Zombieland). Today, the effects of this deadly zombie apocalypse remain. Presently, the year 2130 bears a wretched and pathetic United States of America, which is characterised by famine, poor governance, poor sanitation, poor economy, and poor international relations.

Survivors of this zombie apocalypse in the United States of America are countable. These regard themselves lucky to have survived such a torturous experience. However, it will be difficult for them to adapt to the life they were used to before. All America reads misery. Clouds of death fill the American skies. Sadness covers the faces of the survivors. It is a devastating, miserable life.

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