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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Introduction to Philosophy I. It needs to be at least 250 words.

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An answer is deemed right if it is supported by the experimental results. It is not a hard and fast rule that scientific and philosophical questions are limited to these domains but it is just to make clear what philosophical and scientific questions generally ask. Word unexamined can be manipulated in two ways. First pertains to a life that has never been scrutinized by the person living it. He has no clue why he is here and what his life is all about? Second refers to a life that has never been put to test by the people around. His life is merely a closed book. Nobody has the right to question what is written inside it. This quote invites individuals to think about the purpose of his and others’ lives. Socrates’ view that philosophy is an integral part of our lives is quite true because philosophy is concerned with the issues that are important for every individual to devise a set of standards and creeds for himself. His decision to adopt philosophy as his way of life was quite right and justifiable because those who don’t contemplate life are like animals. Plato Utopia is governed by the philosophers who unlike modern bespectacled philosophers, are men of action rather than men of thought. They must be free from corporal and other needs that can hinder their duties.

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