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Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Individualism and collectivism paper.

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Individualism represents a society in which individual relations are not strong and in which people are expected to fend for themselves. Individualism is the opposite of collectivism and taken together they form one of the dimensions of national cultures. Collectivism on the other hand connotes a form of society in which people from their childhood itself are integrated into strong cohesive groups. that protect them for the rest of their life in return for their unquestioning loyalty.

Individualistic cultures like those obtaining in the USA and France exhibit a greater emphasis on individual goals and people mainly on themselves as individuals. People in individualistic cultures emphasize their successes and achievements in their career or in the acquisition of wealth. In the USA the spirit of competitiveness is at its zenith.

Collectivistic cultures lay a greater emphasis on groups. In such cultures harmony and loyalty are deemed to be paramount (Individualism versus Collectivism). “Collectivism requires self – sacrifice, the subordination of one’s interests to those of others” (Letters of Ayn Rand). The main consequence of individualism on self identity is the engendering of independence and individual achievement. promotion of self expression, individual thinking and personal choice.

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