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Compose a 500 words essay on Sartre’s Statement Hell is Other People. Needs to be plagiarism free!

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Queen Gertrude’s marriage to Hamlet’s uncle is, without doubt, a source of grievance for Hamlet. That grievance is only compounded upon his learning of his uncle’s complicity in his father’s death. Hamlet’s relationship with both his uncle/step-father and his mother, place him in hell. The fact, however, remains that while his hell is other people, it is also of his own making. This is clearly evidenced in his continued lack of authenticity, expressed in his use of double-tongue and failure to say what he means. When greeting King Hamlet in Act I, for example, he remarks in an aside, “a little more than kin and a little less than kind.” Aloud, however, he greets his uncle quite courteously and does not show his true feelings. This attitude, which is typical of Hamlet and symptomatic of his “to be or not to be dilemma,” evidences the extent to which he is complicit in his own suffering. His failure to be true to his own sentiments and confront his own feelings and beliefs plays a key role in his suffering and, indeed, makes other people hell.

Nowhere does “hell is other people,” hold more true than in Hamlet’s complex love-hate relationship with his mother. He does not trust Gertrude and his mistrust is such that he suspects her of complicity in his father’s murder.

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