Answered>Order 8685

This video in which Melinda Gates discusses three key areas from Coca Cola’s business practices that could be employed by nonprofits to improve performance in What Nonprofits can Learn from Coca Cola (16:21). The link is below

https:// suggests that nonprofits could exploit the successful practices of for-profits to help further a nonprofit’s ability to achieve its overall mission. 

Discuss a successful idea/practice of for-profit organizations that nonprofits could use to help with the achievement of their strategy. Include in your discussion at least two measures that a nonprofit could track to help monitor whether the idea/practice is being implemented successfully. For instance, in her video, Melinda discusses how marketing can play a key role in helping increase people’s knowledge about health issues. Measures nonprofit organizations might use to monitor whether marketing efforts are successful in terms of educating the public about health could be (1) # of households exposed to marketing message, and (2) % of positive responses related to marketing message on survey. In your response, you can refer to the practices of a specific company or discuss for-profit practices in general.   

Your response should be about 400 words. Please use APA format for citation and put your work on a word document.  

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