Answered>Order 8456

The Urban Bike Company database keeps track of the company’s employee, department, customer and orders for its inventory. The system must update the available quantity on hand to reflect that the bike has been sold.

The company has many department. Each department has a unique number, a unique name. One department may have locations.

We store each employee’s name, employee identification number, social security number, address, salary, sex and birthday. An employee must be either a full-time or part-time employee. 

We want to keep track of orders placed by customers. We keep each customer number, name, address.

Each order has order ID and order day with default current date.

Each product has SKU, name and price and quantity.

Business rules.

One customer may or may not place many orders.

One order must be placed by one and only one customer.

One order must contain one or more bikes.

One bike may or may not be contained in many orders.

One employee may or may not process many orders.

One order must be processed by one and only one employee.

One employee must be either a full-time or part-time employee

One full-time or part-time employee must be an employee.

One department must have at least 3 or more employees.

One employee must work for one and only one department.

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