Answered>Order 8303

Hello, I am learning postgreSQL and the following is my assignment. My question is below the schema. Thanks for any help you can provide.

This is my schema.

I have been

My task is to submit a SQL query that lists employee IDs who serve the same customer, along with the customer ID. The first several rows of output of your query should look like the following:

I have been able to figure out basic queries that will show me employees and the customers they worked with but I have not been able to figure out how to show employees who serve the same customer.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

  • Attachment 1
  • Attachment 2

EmployeeOrderIDCustomerDoLastNameCustomerIDCompanyNameFirstNameEmployeeIDContactNameTitleOrderDateContact TitleTitle OfCourtesyRequired DateAddressBirth DateShipped DateCityHire DateShipViaRegionAddressFreightPostalcodeCityShip NameShipper IDCountryRegionShip AddressCompany NamePhonePostalcodeShip CityPhoneFoxCountryShipRegionHomephoneShippostal CodeExtensionShip CountryPhotoNotesSuppber IDReports ToCompany NameProductIDContactNameProductNameContact TitleSupplierIDAddressCategoryIDCityProductQuantity PerUnitRegionUnitpriceCategory IDPostalcodeUnitpriceUnitsInStockCategory NameCountryQuantityUnits OnordeDescriptionPhoneDiscountReorderLevelPictureFaxDiscontinuedHome Page

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