Answered>Order 7361

Write 2 page essay on the topic Confidentiality of Health Information.

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When should the computerized medical database be online to the computer terminal The medical database should be online to computers when authorized computer programs for the data are used. Anyone outside the facility should not have online access to database of medical records.

When the computer service bureau destroys or erases records, should the erasure be verified by the bureau to the physician There should be no mixing of a physician’s computerized patient records with those of other computer service bureau clients. In addition, procedures should be developed to protect against inadvertent mixing of individual reports or segments thereof.

Should individuals and organizations with access to the databases be identified to the patient Dissemination of confidential data is limited to only individuals or organizations with a real use for the data. Only necessary data should be released. Patient identity should be removed where appropriate. The release of confidential information from the database should be only for the specific purpose for which it is to be used and limited to a specified time frame.

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