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Write a 1 page essay on Final- lyrics.

This song reflects the early 90s life in the limelight where everyone needs to quit complaining about what didn’t happen or what did and move on.

“Dirty Laundry” by Don Henley on the other hand, is another interpretation of the kind of culture famous people in the media industry develops, specifically in the area of news. This songs emphasizes that news people would do anything for a good story even when it is intrusive to someone’s personal life already or perhaps exaggerates truth to make blockbuster headlines. This song shows how this society’s people disregard the importance of dignity and privacy, which soon tears relationships apart.

“Online” by Brad Paisley is a song that strongly identifies the real essence of the web to society today. For me it was a mockery of how wrongly society is using the power of the web as social media sites are now considered a venue for people to have a new persona, someone that is not really them which encourages lying, fraud, and

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