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Complete 4 page APA formatted essay: Explaining Sustainable Agriculture.

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(Feenstra 530) The term ”sustainable agriculture” (U.S. Code Title 7, Section 3103) means an integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific application that will over the long-term: Satisfy human food and fiber needs. Enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agriculture economy depends. Make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls. Sustain the economic viability of farm operations. Enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole.(Hedburg 1) Therefore Sustainable agriculture is a way of raising food healthy for consumers and animals, respects animals, does not harm the environment, is humane for workers, provides a fair wage to the farmer, and supports and enhances rural communities. …

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