Answered>Order 4018

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Acetylene and benzene have the same empirical formula. In fact, benzene can be made from acetylene as follows: 3C2H2<g> C6H6(g) acetylene benzene The enthalpies of combusion for C2H2 and C6H6 are ——1299.4 kJ/mol and~3 267.4 kJ/mol, respectively. (i) Calculate the stande enthalpies of formation AHf0 of C2H2 and C6H6. (ii) Calculate the enthalpy change for the formation of C6H6 from CgHz. {AHJ3(C02(g)) = "393.5 kJ-mol‘l; AH;(H20(1)) -—— ~285.8 kJ-mol‘l } The enthalpy of combustion is represented by: 5C2H2<g> + *2- 02(g) -> 2C02(g) + H200) 15C6Hé(1)+ 3 02(g) —> 6002a) + 3H200) Condensation of benzene : = —3l.0kJ – 11101"1 céHag) C6H6m AH” condensatbn

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