Answered>Order 26396

Ok so my program is giving me an error in the WelcomePlayer() portion of the code. I also think after that is fixed there is something wrong with the DiceRoll() portion of the code. Any advice on how i can resolve these issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

The issues with the WelcomePlayer() begin with the m_players.SetNumber part. I’m getting an error. I’m not quite sure what is wrong as i’ve looked back at my previous assignments and have done the same thing as was done on them.

#include “stdafx.h”

#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <string>

#include <ctime>

#include <cstdlib>

#include “LiarsDice1.21.h”

using namespace std;

void Game::WelcomePlayer()



// initialize the random generator with current time


// declarations

int currentPlayer, dice, numPlayers;

// array declarations 

// can store upto 1000 players and each player has 5 dice

int players[1000][5];

// get the number of players from user

cout << ” How many players are playing: “;

cin >> numPlayers;


cout << endl << “You entered ” << m_players.GetNumber() << endl;


void Game::DiceRoll()


int currentPlayer, dice,

// run the loop upto numPlayers

for (currentPlayer = 0; currentPlayer < numPlayers; currentPlayer++)


if (currentPlayer == 0) {

cout << “players” << 1 << “t”;


// generate the values for 5 dice and store the values in array

for (dice = 0; dice < 5; dice++)


// generate a random value

int random = rand() % 6 + 1;

// store the value

players[currentPlayer][dice] = random;

if (currentPlayer == 0) {

//std:: cout << “players”<<1<< “t”;

cout << players[0][dice] << “t”;



cout << endl;

void Game::GameRules() const


string line_;

//opens file

ifstream myReadFile;“rules.txt”);

if (myReadFile.is_open()) {

while (getline(myReadFile, line_))//while file is open, it reads file lines


cout << line_ << “n”;


myReadFile.close();//close file


else //if file is not open

cout << “File not open.” << “n”;



void Game::RunGame()






#pragma once

#include “Player.h”

#include “PlayerOptions.h”

class Game



void WelcomePlayer();

void GameRules() const;

void DiceRoll();


void RunGame();



#pragma once

class Player



int m_players;





void SetNumber(const int& numPlayers)


m_players = numPlayers;


const int& GetNumber() const


return m_players;




#include “stdafx.h”

#include “Player.h”

#include “LiarsDice1.21.h”

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])


Game game;


return 0;


Ok so my program is giving me an error in the WelcomePlayer() portion of the code. I also think after that is fixed there is something wrong with the DiceRoll() portion of the code. Any advice on how i can resolve these issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

The issues with the WelcomePlayer() begin with the m_players.SetNumber part. I’m getting an error.

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