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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Justinians Institutes. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

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It is the law of nations that recognize what all humans deserve to have – freedom and protection of rights through the use of contracts. These contracts are used in the following activities: buying and selling, letting and hiring, partnership, deposits, loans and many others. Civil law on the other hand, is the law that is common only to one country or group of people, like the Roman Law, which is also known as the Law of the Quirites. Moreover, the Romans have several written and unwritten laws. The written laws are the following: 1. Lex (or leges) – proposed by the senatorian magistrate and enacted by the Roman people (including patricians, senators and plebs) 2. Plebiscitum – proposed by the plebeian magistrate and enacted only by the plebs 3. Senatusconsultum – appointed or commanded by the senate in lieu of the people 4. Constitutiones – enacted by the emperor by virtue of power, or Lex Regia, and by means of three ways (through rescript, adjudging a cause, or an edict). Everyone is subject to the constitutiones, unless specific to an individual. Summary: The Deeds of the Divine Augustus (Res Gestae), Augustus Caesar, 14 A.D. The deeds of the late Roman emperor Augustus Caesar, or the Res Gestae, are inscribed on his funeral complex, specifically on the part called Ara Pacis. The emperor’s deeds are as follows: 1. POLITICAL ACHIEVEMENTS: In 43 BCE, he became a consul at the age of 19 through his own efforts. He was later on appointed as consul, as propraetor, and as triumvir. 2. SOCIO-POLITICAL ACHIEVEMENTS: From 29 BCE to 2 BCE, he gave grain and SERTERCES, or cash gifts, to people and soldiers 7 times (with an estimated total of SESTERCES 2,400,000,000). a. SERTERCES 300 per Roman pleb. SERTERCES 400 per soldier (29 BCE) b. SESTERCES 1000 per soldier (with a total of 120,000 soldiers) (29 BCE) c. SESTERCES 400 per man as public gift (24 BCE) d. 12 doles of grain (23 BCE) e. SESTERCES 400 per man (12-11 BCE) f. SESTERCES 240 per pleb (with a total of 320,000 plebs) (5 BCE) g. The public grain and SESTERCES 240 per pleb (with a total of over 200,000 plebs) (2 BCE) 3. HUMILITY: In 22 BCE, he did not accept the offer of dictatorship and instead remained as the curator of grain to facilitate the food shortage. He also did not accept the offer of annual and perpetual consulate. 4. ARCHITECTURE: During his period of governance, he built around 15 various monuments and edifices such as: a. The senate-house b. The Chalcidicum c. The temple of Apollo d. The temple of divine Julius e. The Lupercal f. The portico at the Flaminian circus g. The state box at the great circus h. The temple on the Capitoline of Jupiter Subduer and Jupiter Thunderer i. The temple of Quirinus j. The temples of Minerva k. The temple of Queen Juno and Jupiter l. The temple of the Lares m. The temple of the gods of the Penates n. The temple of Youth o. The temple of the Great Mother 5. ENTERTAINMENT: He gave shows of gladiators. He also celebrated games especially the secular games for the college of the Fifteen and the first games of Mas. Lastly, he gave people hunts of African beasts in three places: in the circus, in the open and in the ampitheater. 6. MILITARY: He founded colonies of soldiers in Europe, Asia and Africa. 7. PEACE: He put out the Roman civil war and was acknowledged for handing over his power to the senate and the Roman people.

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