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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Psoriasis: Disease of the Body. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

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Psoriasis may develop in any part of the body regardless of gender differences and the chronic nature of this disease can lead to many life-threatening complications in future. Introduction Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease that causes damages to the skin. Currently, there are no medications available to cure psoriasis, and hence it is a lifelong condition. However, it is possible to control the symptoms of psoriasis through some treatments. This paper will give a brief description of the disease and discuss current statistics of this lifelong medical condition. In addition, this paper will explain how various body systems are affected by psoriasis and identify potential treatments/medications currently available. What is Psoriasis? To define, “psoriasis is the prototype of a group of dermatoses which characteristically exhibit regular epidermal hyperplasia” (Nucci &amp. Oliva, 2009, p.21). An individual is affected by this lifelong condition when his immune system falsely recognizes a normal skin cell as a pathogen and generates signals that result in the overproduction of new cells. According to National Psoriasis Foundation, there are mainly five types of psoriases including plaque, guttate, inverse, pustular, and erythrodermic psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis is the most common and common type of psoriasis and it represents nearly 80% to 90% of all types of psoriasis. This type of psoriasis is appeared as red and white hues of plaques and the skin rapidly accumulates at the affected site under plaque psoriasis. Guttate psoriasis is generally appeared in light pink or red color and it can be developed as a result of issues like bout of strep throat, skin injury, drug intake, and upper respiratory tract infection. In case of pustular psoriasis, the affected area turns red and pus-filled blisters develop. Fever, weight loss, nausea, and joint pain can be the major symptoms of this form of psoriasis. In contrast to other forms of psoriasis, inverse psoriasis is characterized with smooth areas of redness and swelling and these patches commonly appear under the breasts and in the armpits. Finally, erythrodermic psoriasis is the least common type of psoriasis but it can have dreadful complications. In this case, the affected area turns bright red and there will be large areas of swollen and peeling skin. In addition, the affected area will itch severely. It is observed that harsh cases of psoriasis can affect the victim’s quality of life to an amount comparable to the consequences of other dreadful chronic diseases like depression, blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. On the basis of the location of the psoriasis development, patients are prone to severe physical distress and particular disabilities. Intense irritation and pain may trouble the basic body functions like walking and sleep. Plaques on hands and feet would compel victims to stay away from certain jobs, some sports, and taking care for members of family. Individuals with psoriasis will have a declined self-image and a fear of public rejection. as a result, they would try to abstain from social activities and live isolated. Evidently, this psychological distress may end up in severe depression.

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