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Create a 8 page essay paper that discusses Mentorship in Professional Practice.

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It is here that the mentor helps, guide and be a role model to a nurse student and facilitates learning through her own practice.

The aim of the article is to discuss role of a mentor in assessing the learning abilities and fitness for practice of nursing students. The article is a discussion on developing competencies and accountability to fitness for practice as desired in the code of professional conduct clauses (NMC as in Stuart 2003).

Definition and purpose of ‘in practice’ assessment: Howard and Eaton (2003, p46) refer assessment as “measurement of a candidate’s level of competence in theoretical and practical nursing skills. The in practice assessment aims to judge a new nurse for at least minimum competence and skills required for patient care. The mentor/assessor should take care to take whole programme into consideration. The formative assessment is a mock assessment without pass or fail result. It is assessment of ongoing development of skills and applied knowledge where the student’s progress is continuously monitored, it in fact is most important type of ‘in practice’ assessment. It leads to summative assessment, which is the final stage of a learning and assessment process and experience. The summative assessment has clear pass, fail or refer result on the basis of decisions made by formative assessment. The components of ‘In practice’ assessment are: competence developed, projects, case studies and expert witness testimonials, Objective structured clinical examinations (OSCE), oral assessment etc. The fair assessment requires on part of mentor assessor to provide following opportunities to the student: motivation to learn with enthusiasm,. Good relationship between student and mentor/assessor, The mentor /assessor should be relaxed and comfortable at the time of assessment and ensure that student understands what is required from him/her (Howard &amp. Eaton 2003).

The purpose of assessment is to ascertain whether the nurses and midwives are able to take good care of patients in safe and competent manner. The nurses should show fitness for practice and fitness of purpose by relating to changing needs of health care system. They should also develop fitness for award when the education fulfills needs of the profession and finally fitness for responsibility as the health care professional have a social contract between profession and the society. The mentor should keep in mind :

In a clinical setting the student works alongside the mentor, she is learning and being assessed at the same time.

The clinical assessment is based on direct observation of practice. Human observation has inherent biases and subjectivity, thus the assessment is inconsistent and unreliable.

During the clinical practice student has to adapt to diverse settings. She has to interact with multitude of personalities viz. Other nurses doctors many patients differing in illnesses. While she is adapting she is also being assessed.

The assessment of behavioural skills is difficult in changing and unpredictable clinical environment.

Mentors are overburdened with assessment to many student nurses and clinical duties so only a faction of student’s ability is assessed.

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