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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Spanish American War. It needs to be at least 750 words.

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The two interpretations made each side disapprove the rulings that failed to favor their argument (Brinkley 56). This is despite the ruling bodies’ intention which is to correct history and ensure that there will be no similar instances in future or hidden enmity among the states involved. Court and revisionist interpretations have yielded to diverse and conflicting arguments regarding Spanish American War, where the America resulted in justifying its involvement (Nunez 50). The aspect of Cuban humiliation while under Spanish rule prompted the unwilling America to be involved into the war. America argued that they were keenly watching the atrocities Spanish rulers were executing in Cuba devoid of considering the welfare of the citizens. Initially, America was unwilling to intervene, but due to constant pleading by its neighbors (Cuba), it had no alternative. According to America, it did not intend to indulge in the war, but their involvement emanated from the sinking of Maine battleship. This did infuriate the Americans who, due to political influences, forced William McKinley to a revolt. The chance came at an opportune time when they were wishing Cuban freedom from the Spanish dominion, which resulted in eruption of a severe war. America claimed that its intentions were sincere and meant best for the Cuban citizens (Herna?ndez 7). Additionally, court interpretation argued that besides the America’s humanitarian involvement in the war, it also wanted to support Cuba in attaining independence. This was from the citizen’s early constant plea prior engaging the Spanish resistance to avenge for sinking of their battleship. America intended Cuba to cease from being Spanish colony where, via its naval engagement, managed easily to defeat their opponents, thus making Cubans starting their journey to independence (Herna?ndez 11). On the contrary, revisionist interpretation stated otherwise, claiming that America had selfish intentions in engaging the Spanish previously claiming that their actions in Cuba were from the humanitarian perspective. Through its then incumbent leader, America had eyed the island for long and intended to overthrow the Spanish to establish its economic interests. This yielded to a “Spanish-American” combat that excluded Cuba besides using it as a battlefield where it continued its dominion in some Cuban rich islands after the Spanish had left (Brinkley 90). According to Revisionist studies, there is no evident proof that the Spanish sank the Maine battleship, but America took advantage of this timely incidence. This was to fulfill maliciously its economic greedy motives since initially McKinley was reluctant to engage the Spanish, but his republican allies forced him to their demands for war. Other “war hawks” of the time comprising Theodore Roosevelt and Albert J. Beveridge, aimed at attaining absolute control of the island for economic interests (Herna?ndez 52). The revisionist interpretation proof is more historically precise than court’s argument since the revisionist’s argument relies on research intended to unveil who contributed to sinking of the American battleship.

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