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Write a 8 page essay on Teacher Effectiveness: The Search for a Proper Definition.

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(Levin et al 2007). These returns are a result of s change in the life of the person who received an education. The amount covers improvements in various areas of their life. They cost the government less as they have a greater ability to demand a higher income for themselves. As well, the cost of crime is lowered because those who are educated generally do not get into as much legal trouble. The benefits of educated citizens to the government and, thereby, society as a whole has aptly been explained when it was stated that, “Not only do graduates pay more taxes on their typically higher incomes, but they also tend to have better health, rely less on government social programs, are less likely to be incarcerated, and are more likely to engage in civic activities” (Cunningham 2006). As for the individual, having an education can make a fundamental difference in their life. There are the occasional exceptions to this, but overall education has proven to be a driving force to success. Having an education can place a person in a completely different socioeconomic class. It has been the means by which many people have found their way out of poverty. As it has been reported, “An individual’s educational attainment if one of the most important determinants of their life chances in terms of employment, income, health status, housing, and many other amenities” (Levine et al 2007). Effective Teachers: A Literature Review Stronge (2002) wrote a report about what make an effective teacher. He acknowledged the fact that traditionally teacher effectiveness has been measured by the academic success of the student. However, he takes the approach of defining…

This essay stresses that education is vital to the health and well being of both the student and society. For this reason governments have carefully regulated education to ensure that both students and investors get the most return for their investments. An individual who is educated brings great benefits to society as a whole. It is for this very reason that education is allowed to be funded by the government. It has been proven that education is a good investment. Public funds that are invested in educating the citizens reap great rate of returns. As it was reported,

This paper discusses that traditionally teacher effectiveness has been measured by the academic success of the student. However, he takes the approach of defining teacher effectiveness from a stakeholder’s point of view, such as the students, administrators, and the teachers themselves. Stronge’s approach to the definition of teacher effectiveness is possibly a more enlightened view. There are a variety of factors that can affect the academic performance of a student, such as their home life, tendency for test anxiety, and support system, which even the best teacher cannot control. The qualities of teachers that should be measured in order to define their effectiveness are caring, listening, understanding, knowing students, fairness and respect, social interactions with students, the promotion of enthusiasm and motivation, attitudes towards the teaching profession, and reflective practices.

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