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This they do without necessarily assuming the ownership and title but by exercising full authority and influence. To achieve this, the police power was used to oversee that the recommendations are given a priority. The ruling by the South Carolina court was not just. This is due to a number of reasons as will be outlined. Firstly, Luca’s lots could not at any cost be subject these Acts regarding building permits as required by this court. It is shocking that these Acts were enacted two years later after such an acquisition had been effected. Lucas is shamelessly deprived of his legitimate right to fully own and economically exploits his enterprise. The legal institution further goes ahead and declares the estate valueless, which is unjust itself. Dramatically, it is shocking to learn that the same court seeks to award a would be just compensation worth one million and two hundred American dollars, a pledge it revokes and reverses to suit its interest. The court’s application of an assertion based on lethal usage principal ought not to have been used in the first case. A clause from regulations drawn by the Supreme Court, which contravenes this assertion, requires an individual to be compensated upon such an occurrence without digging any deep into the matter. In this regard, public interest is not prioritizes but is the collateral damage posed to the victim. It comes out that the principal so adopted by the court was a police power deployment to ensure that what would appear unjust was justified and everything concealed behind the curtains to evade what in their view is unnecessary compensation. Thou Mr. Lucas was against the legal requirements as per the pre-amendment traps, he surely deserved a compensation since the said lots had no such serious implications on the public. Question.2 In line with the aforesaid question, I stand to air a number of defence questions. Firstly, I will air this for the utilization by my esteemed client. I would try establishing the course of their resigning from their previous station. This in my view will in turn eliminate any possible loopholes as far as conflict of interest is concerned. It will actually strengthen loyalty among these workers thereby increasing efficiency and service delivery. By so doing, I would ask them to table any written and duly signed documents stating the same. Another question worth asking the client is his intentions of suddenly accepting the offer. He should clarify accordingly if he or she is agreeing to the previous terms because any contravention means a breach of the contract and would deem fit for treat invitation. I would demand to know if what he offers me is a counter- offer to my original proposal and further demand if he or she will stick to the previous rules outlaid. It is common knowledge that for any given form of agreement to effect into a contract, there must always be an offer, which materialises into acceptance if the deal is feasible and lastly a binding contract is signed. It is also against the contract legislations to accept any given offer by issuing conditions as this should be unconditional.

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