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Hi, need to submit a 1500 words essay on the topic Health system.

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Healthcare has become a significant social problem in American Society. The American system of health and healthcare is currently locked into delivering insufficient results and rising cost. Health care is becoming increasingly more inaccessible to Americans.Despite significant health care spending, health care is not accessible to many Americans including Low-income working individuals, Racial and Ethnic minorities, Working families, Childless and poor adults. Although the United States spends a higher percentage of Gross Domestic Product on health expenditures, this has not correlated over to superior health care for American citizens. The American system of health and healthcare is currently locked into delivering insufficient results and rising cost. Health care and health care system is a top public policy concern in America and the issue of access to health care has become a regularly discussed issue in the media, scholarly fora, and among medical professionals. Health care insurance is an expensive benefit for employers to provide, and many are dropping their policies or requiring employees to contribute in record amounts. Healthcare system is unable to keep up with the pace of the uninsured as Medicaid eligibility requirements are becoming more stringent in order to compensate for either decreased federal matching grants or increased service demand, or both. The American system of health and healthcare is currently locked into delivering insufficient results and rising cost. …

The American mixed-market economy allows access to health care in one of three ways: by virtue of having health insurance as an employee benefit, having the financial means to privately purchase health care in the market place, or by having taxpayer ­provided health care insurance (Medicare /Medicaid). American society has failed to address the fact that “insurance is a necessary condition for obtaining most forms of medical care in America today”, and those without it are left without access, (Wolaver 5). “The uninsured” are 47 million Americans that have no health care insurance of any type. either self-paid, employer paid/subsidized or publicly funded, (Swartz 1). These individuals represent a heterogeneous group from different regions of the county, different age groups and different levels of income (Swartz 1). The problem is so large that a coalition called “Covering the Uninsured” has been formed by thirteen diverse organizations including the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, American Association of Retired Persons, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the (labor union) AFL-CIO, the American Medical Association, Families USA and the American Nurses Association. Despite health care spending in the U.S. of $2.5 trillion in 2009, health care is not accessible to many Americans. a significant number of them are the working poor (Yale Medical Group, 1. Swartz 1). Indigent and low income citizens that are eligible through a federal means test of income for the federally funded health care program, Medicaid, are not faring much better. Unfortunately, the eligibility requirements for Medicaid are stringent and complex.

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