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There are arguments that modern medicine has an entity of its own, totally severed off from tradition and today’s medicine gets ridiculed tomorrow and making it groundless and rootless. It is of paramount importance to know how modern medicine appeals to learned minds of thinkers, sociologists, and intellectuals.

Rene Dubos (Davey, 1995) argues on Laws of Nature and Taoist philosophy that had influenced Chinese life and had led to a sustained reverence of nature. China was Buddhist in those days and this philosophy blended very closely with their religion based on non-violence and worship of all forms of nature and life. Chuang Tzu wrote of times when people and nature lived in harmony and did not die young and yin and yang worked harmoniously. Concept of unadulterated nature provided health, cure and sustenance.

Western philosophers argued that nature is too abstract to be revered or considered, beyond a certain limit, as it is not a definite entity. It simply represents platonic beauty and lacks the flesh and blood of life. This argument did not allow the Chinese philosophy to enter into Western sphere. Whatever is the argument, it is a proven fact that people lived a longer and healthier life in the absence of present immunisations and medical help. Writer argues that specific etiology came into being only in 19th century, when Pasteur, Koch and other scientists discovered specific and researched answers to problems of various diseases followed by discoveries about biochemical and physiological aspects, microbial agents, metabolic process, deficiencies, hormones and physiological stresses that keep contributing to the ill health. Many theories and diverse ways of treatments with specialities, effective therapies came into being even though they do not constitute evidence for doctrine of specific etiology. Hippocratic medicine and discoveries of Darwin and Claude Bernard like scientific philosophers definitely rendered a great service in this field.

Dubos discusses Greek Gods of health, cult of Hygeia, Asclepius a young God and Panakeia, a healing goddess of Greek Mythology and how Greeks depended on healers and surprisingly most of the healers had scientific knowledge of their craft, showing that cleanliness was godliness. There is no denial that Hippocratic writings and wisdom are part of modern day public health movement. Traditional wisdom lays great stress on purity of food, water, air, and no health system has defied this fact till date. Conventional faith in the healing power of nature had led to the conquest on epidemics in a practical way in pre-medical days and it is foolish to negate the practicality behind it. Health and happiness was symbolised by a contented way of thinking. The writer quotes Rousseau: “Hygiene is less a science than a virtue.” Writer argues that we have to return to nature, the global utopia, because there is no other way to health and well being. They cannot be achieved by severing humankind off nature.


McKeown discusses various forms of sicknesses.

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