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Create a 7 page essay paper that discusses Stress Management.

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(Selye, 1956) Stress may manifest itself through behavioural, emotional, physical or cognitive signs or through a combination of these signs. The most general signs of stress include (but are not limited to): negative outlook and paranoia. excessive anxiety. moodiness. irritability. loneliness. isolation. physical pains such as: chest pains. muscular pains. headaches. disturbances in basic systems: diarrhoea. constipation. nausea. increased heartbeats. insomnia or sleeping too much. eating little or too much. increased substance abuse. procrastination. personal ostracising along with general social withdrawal. inability to relax. Depression is often associated to stress. However, depression does not commence at the start of a stressful period. Instead, depression is a consequence of prolonged anxiety and stress. (Selye, 1975) The most notable issue throughout a stressful period is how stress affects the average human being and his effectiveness. As mentioned above, stress is a consequence of failure of normal human routines. The prolonged failure that is stress often produces greater consequences. These consequences are both physical and emotional in nature. To ensure that a human being can effectively carry out normal functions in society, it is necessary to deal with stress so that it is manageable. Stress Models In order to deal with stress more effectively, there is a dire need to understand stress better. Various models have been created that delineate stress. Based on these models, stress can be dealt with more effectively. The various popular stress models are listed below. General Adaptation Syndrome Stress is defined on the basis of how the human body reacts to stimulus. These stimuli are better known as stressors. Stressors could be both real and imagined. Moreover, stressors can be acute as well as chronic and display their affects on the human body respectively. The general adaptation syndrome model breaks down stress into three distinct phases. An explanation of these is provided below. Alarm Alarm is taken as the first stage of stress. As soon as the body identifies a stressor (whether realised or imagined), the stress response system delves into a state of alarm. Throughout this stage, the body continuously produces adrenaline which initiates the fight or flight response. The HPA axis is also activated bringing about the production of cortisol. Resistance In case that the stressor persists, the body finds the need of dealing with the stressor and the ensuing stress. The body finds ways of dealing with the strain and environmental demands but it cannot do this indefinitely. Gradually, the body’s resources get depleted. Exhaustion This is the last stage of the general adaption model. The body’s resources are all depleted by this stage. As a result, the body is not able to carry out normal functions any more. Often the initial symptoms remerge such as raised heart beat rate, profuse sweating etc. If this stage continues unabated for extended periods, lasting damage may result. The body’s immune system gets exhausted and decompensation comes about.

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