Answered>Order 19913

What have you learned about Realism, Impressionism, Modernism?

Share your thoughts on these modern developments, Realism and Impressionism. Pick one art example you like – I just want to see that the class understands what is beginning to make art “modern” in different ways (compared to the art we have studied so far) and how you respond to these new qualities personally. This is a short Discussion; ONE short paragraph is fine.

answer a question about the following

(Modernism) On pg. 346 of an earlier version of the textbook (see attached blurb to read), the influential American critic Clement Greenberg is quoted regarding the “essence of Modernism,” that it “lies…in the use of the characteristic methods of a discipline to criticize the discipline itself. Realistic, illusionist art had dissembled (disguised) the medium, using art to conceal art. Modernism used art to call attention to art.” What does this mean?

It means that artists, for a variety of reasons, began to openly acknowledge and assert the quality of the materials of art making, which usually means paint and canvas – as positive values.

This concept paves the way for the advent of abstract painting in the 20th century, where representational illusionism is abandoned altogether by many artists in favor of pure relations of form, color, and expression (as in the work of Rothko and Pollock).

Eduard Manet is considered by many to be the first “Modernist” – as opposed to ‘modern’- painter. This has to do with Manet’s assertion of the flatness of the picture plane and his emphatic brushwork.

To the eyes of mid-19th century viewers in France, his paintings looked crude and unfinished. But it is precisely this quality of freshness and spontaneity that was admired by those painters who were to become known as ‘Impressionists” (Monet, Degas, Cassatt, Cezanne, et al).

All of this happens in the context of a rapidly changing world under the pressures of the Industrial Revolution and all it implies. Which is to say that the world that we live in today is very much connected to the world – and the art – of 19th-Century Europe.

DISCUSSION QUESTION: Consider and discuss the meaning of ‘avant-garde’, its emergence and impact upon the late 19th–century art world.

Do some research if you need to learn more about what it means.

Be sure to *read ahead into Ch. 13, ‘Academic Salons and Independent Art Exhibitions’ and ‘Materials & Techniques: 19C Colour Theory’

Select one work of art illustrated in Ch. 13 (include the illustration number in your discussion) to discuss why/how it is ‘avant-garde’ or ‘Modernist.’ These ideas shook the foundation of the art world and changed things radically!

If you are unclear about these new concepts you must take responsibility for doing supplemental research

(CITE your sources correctly- you MUST research the various links provided in this course that address that, internet sources too!)

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