Answered>Order 19630

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Enron Corporation (former NYSE ticker symbol ENE). It needs to be at least 750 words.

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Th? company did not hav? accountability or transpar?ncy to its shar?hold?rs. it li?d to th?m. Th? curr?nt status of th? cas? against th? now d?funct T?xas company, has not y?t b??n r?solv?d. By 2001, it was r?port?d that “Th? company, whos? main busin?ss is ?n?rgy trading, is in crisis following th? t?rmination of a multi-billion dollar r?scu? bid” (W?iss, 2001). It fold?d as a r?sult, but in its prim? was consid?r?d to b? an innovativ? company and industry l?ad?r. ?nron at th? h?ight of its pow?r contribut?d as much as $2.1 million in “individual, P A C, and soft mon?y contributions to f?d?ral candidat?s and parti?s:” this rank?d it “among th? top 50 organizational donors in th? 1999 – 2000 ?l?ction cycl?” (W?iss, 2001). Aft?r th? v?ry public fall of ?nron, n?w accountability m?asur?s b?cam? th? stuff of ?xtr?m? m?dia, public, and political scrutiny. If ?nron had had such m?asur?s in plac? initially, it arguably wouldn’t hav? fall?n. Discuss wh?th?r ?nron’s offic?rs act?d within th? scop? of th?ir authority. ?nron stay?d in th? n?ws long aft?r th? initial accounting scandal, as jury s?l?ction b?gan for th? cas? of its ?x ?x?cutiv?s K?nn?th Lay and J?ffr?y Skilling. Th?s? individuals act?d b?yond th? scop? of th?ir authority. …

Th? bankruptcy court will lik?ly allow th? paym?nts to stand” (W?inb?rg and Cook?, 2001). K?nn?th Lay is mor? publicly associat?d with th? cas? although his nam? is oft?n m?ntion?d b?sid? Skilling’s, b?caus? Lay is th? individual who found?d th? company in th? first plac?, whil? Skilling was its C?O. “?nron found?r K?n Lay and form?r chi?f ?x?cutiv? J?ffr?y Skilling hav? suff?r?d anoth?r s?tback in th?ir ?fforts to hav? th?ir trial at th? ?nd of th? month dismiss?d. US District Judg? Sim Lak?, who will b? h?aring th? fraud and conspiracy cas?, thr?w out all?gations of misconduct by pros?cutors. Th? pair’s lawy?rs hav? b??n arguing for months that pros?cutors hav? hamp?r?d th?ir d?f?nc? ?fforts by intimidating k?y witn?ss?s” (?nron, 2006). D?scrib? th? corporat? cultur? at ?nron. Th? busin?ss cultur? in which ?nron was st??p?d involv?d un?thical and non transpar?nt accounting practic?s us?d by th? company. ?nron was call?d out on corruption and its l?ad?rs hav? b??n indict?d for fraudul?nt financial stat?m?nts and busin?ss practic?s. Th?s? caus?d its stock to plumm?t in valu? wh?n th? ?xt?nt of corporat? corruption at ?nron was r?v?al?d. Stak?hold?rs ?xp?ct th?ir docum?ntation to b? fairly auth?ntic. Also involv?d by proxy ar? th? oth?r ?nron ?x?cutiv?s who got payoffs b?for? th? company w?nt bankrupt, and th? low?r l?v?l ?mploy??s who didn’t s?? any of this financ? coming th?ir way. Discuss two all?g?d irr?gulariti?s in th? actions b?tw??n s?ll?rs of s?curiti?s and ?nron.

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