Answered>Order 18465

Write a 3 page essay on Investigative Plan.

First there is a need for data collection.&nbsp.The importance of this is to&nbsp.acquire&nbsp.accurate information to&nbsp.give&nbsp.valid information. Understanding the data collected will&nbsp.keep&nbsp.investigation&nbsp.focused. Data may be corrected using&nbsp.several&nbsp.methods including&nbsp.interview&nbsp.and surveys then drawing of charts, tables and graphs to name but few.

The data must be&nbsp.put& context thus making information&nbsp.abundantly&nbsp.clear&nbsp.(Bachman&nbsp.and&nbsp.Schutt, 2007).

All information regarding the& to be identified. This can be&, investigator, and entry& other information. The sources of allegation need to be put in place. These include the complainant’s information may it& details, location and any other&nbsp.relevant&nbsp.information. Case identification is paramount, alleged victims, how the crime was reported&nbsp.and all useful allegation information. All information given relating to the accused should be gathered. Any information given relating to the&nbsp.robbery is put&nbsp.down in a chronological order to assist in tracing the perpetrators. An investigator must be able to&nbsp.know&nbsp.the&nbsp.purpose&nbsp.of the investigation. In this case, we need to&nbsp.arrest&nbsp.daytime robbers. Purpose of the investigation must be put down in writing.

A summary of the interview done should be presented. This entails the&nbsp.interviewer&nbsp.names, witnesses, location, the& and others. An investigator must be able to&nbsp.assess&nbsp.and&nbsp.know&nbsp.if the information collected is&nbsp.credible&nbsp.or not. Each&nbsp.interview&nbsp.done must be summarized and conclusions drawn. All evidence gathered should be listed down including all details such as dates, location, and&nbsp.evidence&nbsp.type&nbsp.and also&nbsp.information&nbsp.of the person giving the evidence. After all these investigative steps are done, recommendations should always be given. Actions to be taken must be put down and possible methods to be applied to&nbsp.curb&nbsp.the vice.


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