Answered>Order 16944

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on FNCE 300 : Financial Economics Assignments. It needs to be at least 7500 words.

Accounting breakeven point is calculated t5o determine the minimum number of units that must be produced and sold in order to get the no profit and no loss situation. It can be determined by-

Total fixed cost is divided by the contribution per unit. Contribution per unit can be derived by subtracting the variable cost per unit from sales revenue per unit. Here the accounting breakeven point is 29 units which indicate that the company has to make 29 units of the product to get the no profit and no loss situation.

Financial breakeven point is calculated by (initial investment-(net working capital of 5th year/1.15^5))/ ((1-(1/1.15^7))/0.15). 15% is the discount rate. This will give the PMT. Now we need to calculate the breakeven year. We can see the break even is earned between the 4th and the 5th year. Thus we need to calculate it as = discounted amount from the year 5th+((-net present value up to 4th year)/4). The breakeven year is 4.61. Now the breakeven quantity can be calculated as = undiscounted amount of 4th year/ 1250 (Samuelson, No date, p. 180). Financial breakeven point is calculated by using the 15% return.

From the above table we can see that the financial breakeven quantity is 111.03 units and it indicates that the company needs to produce at least 111.03 units of output to reach the no profit and no loss situation.

If we can sell 60 choppers in the first year and the sales volume is increased by 5% each year for the next 5 years then the net present value will be $152793 at a discount rate of 15 %.( see appendix table 8).

If the company needs to invest the working capital which is equal to 10% of the next year’s sales revenue then the net present value of the project will be $95626 and the IRR of the project is 21.01%. It can be seen that investment of working capital has reduced the net present value of the project. (See appendix table 9).

The exchange rate between the Canadian dollar and US dollar is that by 1

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