Answered>Order 16931

Write 6 page essay on the topic Arizona’s Petrified Forest/ Painted Desert: Rock types, Fossils, Stream Systems, Weathering, Geologic Structures, Geological Time.

This forest is rich in both Flora and Fauna. The animal life includes mammals, amphibians, birds and reptiles. Most of the animals are nocturnal (active at night) but the other animals are “diurnal” (active during the day) The seasons and weather play a major role in determining the activities of these animals.

Activity changes according to the seasons. Some of the animals are “Crepuscular” in nature and therefore venture out at dawn and dusk because they cannot withstand the high temperatures during the summer time and they also avoid other predators.

Plants add to the scenic beauty of the Petrified forests, though much of them have become fossils. Besides being a haven for the animals plants help to change the carbon – di – oxide in the air into oxygen and filter harmful gas pollutants. They also supply a rich source of raw material for human consumption. Most of the plants have to adapt themselves to the arid climate of the forest. Most of them are annuals and thrive well during the rainy season.

Fossils are the echoes of an ancient but glorious past. It has a rich heritage of both flora and fauna. In addition to the surrounding rocks, the fossils narrate tales of the ancient ecosystem. Fossils date back to the Late Triassic period which goes back as far as 200 million years ago. This Triassic Period is often referred to as the “Dawn of the Dinosaurs” that depicts a time before the Jurassic Period when dinosaurs walked the Earth. Some fossils are so huge and measure about 190 feet in length whereas some of them are as small as a single tooth not more than an inch long. Every piece of fossil that is found is very important as it is like a piece in a jigsaw puzzle. Fossils are studied by researchers to find out more of the ecosystems of the past.

The Petrified Forest was endowed with a complex system of streams which was the home of numerous fish which included fresh water sharks. Streams were fed mostly

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