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Write a 2 page essay on Briefly explain Carl Jung’s Theory of the collective unconscious. Then find 3 examples Jungian Archetypes in the book Demian by Hermann Hesse and explain why they’re Archetypes.

Jungian psychology revolves round these conceptions archetypes which are the product of collective consciousness of human brain of collective consciousness of human brain. In this connection Jung argues that “the universal similarity of human brains leads us then to admit the existence of a certain psychic function, identical with itself in all individuals. we call it the collective psyche”( qtd. in Stevens 74). Collective consciousness is shared by everybody and based of manifold experiences shared by everyone. Archetypes are the physical manifestations of those similar patterns of thoughts that are offspring of our collective consciousness. The recurrent archetypal symbols have found their expression in many works of literature and Demian is one such instance of literature which try to integrate human experience in the form of certain symbolic representations.

Hesse was very influenced by Jungian psychology and most of his works like Demian, Sidartha and Steppenwolf portray repeated symbolic characters. The recurrent archetypal symbols present in the story Demian are: The concept of two worlds, the bird, Beatrice and stock symbol of Mother Eve. Demian himself is an archetypal character. All these archetypes are the creations of the “unconscious”. The protagonist’ identification of his self with all these archetypes show that the hero is viewing in each some aspect of his soul. In this way the hero successfully assimilates and integrates the projections of unconscious. It seems that they are not separate characters rather they have actually taken birth from the unconscious of Sinclair. Meir says that:

They are presented as real, and Sinclair occupies himself seriously with these characters, because symbols must not only be understood.. according to Jung, but also must be vital experience ( durchlebt) in order to become part and

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