Answered>Order 15550

Complete 2 page APA formatted essay: Imagine that you have won the Nobel Peace Prize, create an outline for the speech that you will give.

I accept this Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of all hunger warriors who move majestically to ensure that hunger is no longer a problem in the 21st Century.

As I stand before you today, nearly 5 million people in Africa face the prospect of starvation. It is undeniable that the world has made immeasurable strides against the battle against hunger over the last few decades. This, nonetheless, does not mean that we should relax our endeavors. Through inventions, science and technology, man has improved his methods and materials for food acquisition. This allows for greater food production at minimal cost, especially in the developed world. However, when we consider the subsistent African farmer who uses meager tools and materials to grow crops, we can appreciate the disparities that exist between developing and developed states in terms of food production.

Man has been particularly unsuccessful in reducing the rate of reproduction, and this has, in turn, had a massive toll on the capacity of food production to meet human needs in certain areas. Population increase within the African setting is a rather worrying trend when compared to the rate of food production. A close look at several African states shows that the degree of population raise surpasses that of food production (Lambers 25). It is pertinent to realize that there is little possibility of permanent advancements in the war against hunger if organizations that advocate greater food production, as well as those that push for population control do not join forces. While either organization may win temporarily, working in collaboration will ensure a lasting and earnest victory against hunger.

Furthermore, one cannot consider the concept of food production without taking into consideration the consequences of global warming. As an avid advocate of the environment, Wangari Maathai impressed upon all of us the essence of caring for the

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