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Need an argumentative essay on Socrates:Philosphy Of God. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism.

The soul is considered a combination of wisdom and virtue or intelligence and character. Socrates believed that people should pray for righteousness not stuff.

The advance of technology has caused us to loose our ability to appreciate philosophy. Socrates teachings and philosophy focus on knowing and doing well.

Good is an untouchable concept. My view of good may be different than your view of good. Who is right and who is wrong is up for interpretation by anyone. In this day and age the availability of technology and the use of scientific approaches allow us to obtain facts and real answers about things. The touchable objects that we have today such as video games, movies cell phones allow us instant access to pleasure as well as answers. There are many examples of how because of technological advancements we have lost the need and maybe even the ability to find value in that which we cannot touch or see or hear. We have become a society of immediate gratification which in turn has caused us to loose our ability to appreciate the concepts that we cannot touch like philosophy and religion.

The advancement of technology on the other had may be driving society towards more untouchable concepts such as religion or spirituality. More than ever before younger people are exploring the trendy or non-mainstream religion or spirituality. This may be in response to the need to connect with something untouchable. The access to things immediately and information being at our fingertips may in fact be pushing youth towards philosophy and religion. Many of the teachings of Socrates speak to the constant quest of the person for goodness and finding the soul. It may be true that the exact thing that is said to be drawing people from religion philosophy will eventually push them back towards it.

Socrates taught many teachings about the soul. The appetitive soul motivates us and alerts us to basic needs. These appetites

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