Answered>Order 14555

Write a 100-word rationale  on a separate page explaining why Mental Illness and crime is a good topic to research for this criminal justice research paper.

THEN………..Write out a THESIS and OUTLINE on the topic of Mental Illness and Crime according to the guidelines of THIS RUBRIC:CRIMINAL LAW


CriteriaLevels of Achievement





1-69%Not presentTotal


18.5 to 20 points:

Fully articulates the subject matter of the paper and explains the paper’s position.16.5 to 18.0 points:

Provides the subject matter for the paper, but lacks a complete explanation of the paper’s position.1 to 16.5 points:

Subject matter is either unclear or unrelated to class subject matter. Fails to establish paper’s position.  0 points

Not present

Outline14 to 15 points:

Well-developed outline with clear and concise headings and sub-headings.  Established a good framework for the paper.12.5 to 13.5 points: 

Barebones outline that needs further development to provide a good framework for the paper.1 to 12.0 points:

Poorly developed outline without the necessary elements to create a helpful framework for the paper.0 points

Not present

Structure (30%)Advanced 



1-69%Not presentTotal


Grammar7.25 to 8 points:

No significant errors in spelling and grammar.5.5 to 7 points:

Minor errors in spelling and grammar.1 to 5 points:

Significant errors in spelling and grammar.0 points

Not present

APA Formatting6.75 to 7 points:

Proper use of APA formatting.5.25 to 6.5 points:

Minor errors in APA formatting.1 to 5 points:

Significant errors in APA formatting.0 points

Not present

Professor Comments:Total:/50

Original work only. Will go through a plagiarism check before purchasing. MUST BE IN APA FORMAT

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