Answered>Order 14380

  • Expand on your colleague’s posting by offering a new perspective or insight regarding how he or she can better support Pareth and why.
  • Agree with a colleague, and offer one or more additional (new) ethical responsibilities he or she might consider and why.
  • Disagree with a colleague by respectfully discussing and supporting a different perspective on how to support Pareth.

Pareth is a young teenager who wants to complete school and go to college (Laureate Education, 2015). She has four younger siblings and has an obligation to her mom. She feels that because of her culture she must put her family before herself. She is obligated to help her mom learn English and it takes up the time that is need for her to go to school.

To help Pareth with her goals, I would encourage her mom to attend the classes that will teach her English. This way Pareth can attend school and not have to always be there to interpret for her mom. With, getting her mom to attend the classes it would lessen the responsibility that Pareth has for the family. Being that there are other siblings at home the chores should be divided between them, so that Pareth can attend classes. Get an education will help Pareth with getting a job and then Pareth could help her family financially.

The cultural aspects that should be considered in this case is that Pareth has a responsibility to her family because she is the eldest female child, which in this culture helps the mother with the duties of the home.

My ethical responsibility to this family and to Pareth is to be aware of her cultural beliefs and what Pareth obligation is to her culture. This is important because we want to respect the client’s beliefs. As, in standard 11 of the NOHS the professionals are to be knowledgeable of cultures and communities to which is practice (NOHS, n.d.). We are to respect the cultures and beliefs of all individuals and groups in which we serve (NOHS, n.d.).


Pareth Case study: Part 1


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