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Complete 4 page APA formatted essay: Gestalt Psychology: Re-integrating the Wholeness of Ones Being.

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This paper stresses that Gestalt Psychology is premised in the belief that in order for a client to fully understand his conflicts, he needs to re-experience significant scenes in his life that are responsible for it. No matter how painful that experience is, the client needs to confront it with the help of creative techniques or experiments facilitated by a skilled therapist who uses his wise judgment and perfect timing in the choice of a productive experiment. The client needs to go through the painful experience again with more objective and sensitive thinking in the able skills of the therapist. An example is the experiences of soldiers in military training. Gestalt therapy helps them confront such traumatic experiences to resolve internal conflicts, eventually leading to healing. It analyzes how the individual’s mind perceives the world and organizes thoughts to bring about stability. The therapist or counsellor considers the maturity level of the individual as this affects his interpretations of what is happening around him

This report makes a conclusion that the Fuzzy-trace theory distinguishes meaning-based memory from superficial representations of information. This means some people may claim to explain information based on a memory they have of it even if the information is explicitly available to everyone. Their intuition explains meaning-based gist, somewhat like a primal gut feeling which usually proves to be true. In other words, an individual has relative reality, meaning based on his experiences, he unconsciously chooses the perceptions that are acceptable to him. What he sees is filtered by the brain and the brain dictates to him how he should perceive it.

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