Answered>Order 11851

Compose a 1000 words essay on Cross-cultural communication and classroom ecology. Needs to be plagiarism free!

r?ligion, dis?bility ?tc ?s w?ll ?s b?ing mindful of th? difficulti?s th?t som? groups c?n f?c? ?nd ?nsuring th?t ?ny obst?cl?s to th?m ?r? r?mov?d.

P?rh?ps surprisingly, it do?s not m??n tr??ting ?ll ?qu?lly. For ?x?mpl?, ?qu?lity of opportunity will not n?c?ss?rily b? ?nsur?d if thos? who sp??k ?nglish ?s th?ir s?cond or third l?ngu?g? ?r? ?ss?ss?d ?qu?lly ?g?inst thos? who sp??k it ?s th?ir first ?nd only l?ngu?g?. Th? form?r m?y n??d ?dditi

on?l c?r? ?nd t??ching if ?ss?ssm?nt ?g?inst oth?rs in th?ir y??r is to hold m??ning. In this r?sp?ct, simply r?moving obst?cl?s from th? p?th of ?ll stud?nts m?y not b? ?nough to provid? ?ll with ?qu?lity of opportunity. Positiv? ?ction (som?tim?s r?f?rr?d to ?s positiv? discrimin?tion) m?y b? n?c?ss?ry. This involv?s cr??ting th? circumst?nc?s in which ?qu?lity of opportunity c?n ?xist, r?th?r th?n l??ving it to ch?nc?. For ? physic?lly— dis?bl?d stud?nt, pr?ctic?l ch?ng?s to th? school ?nvironm?nt ?r? n??d?d (such ?s r?mps inst??d of st?ps). ? pupil struggling with ?tt?ntion d?ficit disord?r c?n find this dis?dv?nt?g? diminish?d or ?limin?t?d if th?y ?r? s??t?d ?s clos? to th? t??ch?r ?s possibl? ?nd surround?d by positiv? rol? mod?ls.

For cl?ssroom t??ch?rs, th?r? ?r? ? f?w qu?stions th?t c?n b? focus?d on p?riodic?lly to bring ?tt?ntion to th? issu? of ?qu?l opportuniti?s. Th? go?l is not to work sl?vishly to th? n??d for ?qu?lity of opportunity but to d?v?lop ? n?tur?l instinct for sussing out wh?n pupils m?y b? in?dv?rt?ntly dis?dv?nt?g?d. This might b? ? r?sult of th? work you h?v? ?sk?d th?m to do or of th?ir int?r?ctions in your cl?ssroom.

W? ?ll h?v? pr?judic?s – its p?rt of int?r?cting with hum?ns. But b?ing ?w?r? of your pr?judic?s

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