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Compose a 2500 words essay on A Thematic Study Of The Post 9/11 Cultural. Needs to be plagiarism free!

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Because of the availability of content rich visual news with personalized stories that relate to traumatic events, catastrophes within the world and the emotional effects of those tragedies can now be lived vicariously through internet access, adopting the cultural impact that those events carry across cultures. Anthropologically speaking, the world has seen a shift within the last one hundred years that has created a voyeurism in which the emotional content of an event can be intimately experienced. E. Ann Kaplan, (2005, p. 2) in the introduction of her book, Trauma Culture: the Politics of Terror and Loss in Media and Literature, speaks of how the events in New York of 9/11 personally affected her. She says, “the difficulty of distinguishing trauma from vicarious trauma emerges . . . One finds the complex interconnections between individual and cultural trauma – such that, indeed, where the ‘self’ begins and cultural reactions and may seem impossible to determine”. Kaplan (2005, p. 4) discusses this experience in relation to the way in which personal fears from childhood, experiences that had shaped the way in which she approached the world, were heightened after 9/11. She says, “the new traumatic event merged with the childhood events, so that history and memory, time, and space collapsed into one present time of terror. 9/11 produced a new subjectivity”. The trauma that is related to an event can now have a global impact that previous to this time has never been known.

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