Answered>Order 10179

Write a 2 page essay on Perceptual Illusions.

Although I always thought it was natural and second-nature for my eye to pick up patterns and recognize them for what they were, the illusions that were presented at the website continued to illustrate how it was in the presentation of patterns that my eyes were most easily fooled into thinking something else was happening. Of course, once I’d read through the descriptions and had the patterns stop moving or the secret pointed out, I could easily see what they were talking about or why a particular effect occurred – at least on a general level (some of the descriptions seemed very technical and difficult). It is comforting to know that these illusions work on just about everyone and that the images presented are deliberate manipulations rather than typically naturally-occurring phenomena, but still disturbing to know that the mind can be so easily fooled.I think the reason this bothers me so much is that I realize that the ability to accurately perceive what is happening around me is an important survival skill. If something is moving quickly, I use my perceptions to tell me just how quickly it is moving. This is important because first, I need to know how long it’s going to take that something to reach its destination, which might be my friend or my home or something that doesn’t matter in the slightest to me. But even if the something’s destination doesn’t matter at all to me, I need to know how fast it is moving so that I know whether I can outrun it or if I would need to stand and fight if it were to come moving toward me.

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