Answered>Order 10016

Write 2 page essay on the topic The Collection of Solid Waste.

The collection of solid waste can also be carried out using public bin collection, where people may carry the garbage to a bin made of concrete. People discharge the solid waste using closed containers for disposing wastes. these containers may include plastic bags. Stationery trailers may also be used for the collection and disposition of solid waste. In this case, a trailer may be parked at a certain location in some days, and people go and discharge the waste they have into the trailer. Solid waste can also be collected through the use of dumpster collection. This involves a situation whereby waste may be transferred either by means of forklift or through hydraulic means to the collection vehicle (Anand, 2010).Solid waste may also be collected through repair and reuse, a situation that entails the refurbishment of items such as bedding, toys, and clothing. Materials that might become solid wastes or have already become waste can also be collected through recycle and new product feedstock. The materials undergo the processes of sorting and processing for the purpose of manufacturing new products. The solid waste creates new products upon recycling and these reduce the wastage and misuse of virgin resources. The collection of solid waste can also take place through such processes as mulch and compost. This details the decomposition of solid waste, which may include yard trimmings and food scraps. After decomposition, these solid organic wastes produce soil additives and natural fertilizers.

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