write my assignment 7145

Sue and Missy make pizza and soda. Sue takes 4 hours to brew a gallon of soda and 2 hours to make pizza. Missy takes 6 hours to brew a gallon of soda and 4 hours to make pizza.

Sues opportunity cost of making pizza is ________ of soda, and Missy’s opportunity cost of making pizza is ___________ of root beer.

___________ has an absolute advantage in making pizza and __________ has a comparative advantage in making pizza

If Sue and Missy trade food with each other ______ will trade away pizza in exchange for soda.

The price of pizza can be expressed in terms of gallons of soda. The highest price at which pizza can be traded that would make both Sue and Missy better off is ____________ of soda, and the lowest prices that makes Sue and Missy better off is __________ of soda per pizza.

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