write my assignment 5101

D) Vladimir

29. Bishops in the west were similar to __________ in the east.

30.  Justinian’s Code was based on the principles of ______ law

A) Greek

B) Roman

C) Persian

D) Germanic.

4. Evaluate the name &Cyrus the Great.& Does he deserve that title? Why or why not?

Please choose 1 of the following questions and write a brief (no more than 1 and a half page printed double-spaced) essay addressing the question. 

1. Why would you consider Gilgamesh a hero of their respective civilizations? In what ways do they represent their societies? 

West Asia2D) Naqada false 4.an Egyptian goddess. 5.brick-walled cities 6. middle east7.Shang 8. false 9.Eastern Woodlands 10.Mexico City11. .B) Farsi. 12.B) Cyrus the Great 13. xhu14….

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