write my assignment 14125
Describe and explain the tradeoff between lifecycle and first cost analyses for each option. Which option is best? Why? How do reactive, planned, preventive, corrective, and predictive maintenance activities factor into your decision?Tradeoff AnalysisYou are the Baderman Island facilities manager. The Visitors Center roof, which is a10,000-square foot building, must be replaced. The revenue loss per week for the facilitybeing out of operation is $10,000. Your architect has provided you with three options:• Asphalt shingleso Installation cost: $20 per square (10-foot by 10-foot area)o Lifecycle: 20 yearso Installation period: 1 weekTileo Installation cost: $50 per square (10-foot by 10-foot area)o Lifecycle: 40 yearso Installation period: 3 weeks• Composite tileo Installation cost: $35 per square (10-foot by 10-foot area)o Lifecycle: 30 yearsInstallation period: 2 weeks• Resource: Baderman Island Virtual Organization• Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you explain tradeoffs betweenlifecycle and first cost analyses in terms of risk and cost.• Describe and explain the tradeoff between lifecycle and first cost analyses for eachoption. Which option is best? Why? How do reactive, planned, preventive, corrective,and predictive maintenance activities factor into your decision?• Format your paper according to APA standards