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write my assignment 11394

Read Case Study IV-3 entitled “IT Infrastructure Outsourcing at Schaeffer (A): The Outsourcing Decision” on pages 628-633 in your textbook, Managing Information Technology.

Prepare a paper answering the following question:

  • What benefits does Schaffer hope to achieve from outsourcing its IT infrastructure?
  • Describe the steps taken to develop the RFP and the role that an outside consultant played in this process.
  • What are the perceived disadvantages to outsourcing raised by its managers?
  • Some managers suggested a third alternative: Outsource the IT infrastructure for the Reitzel division only. Which alternative do you think Schaeffer should choose, and why?
  • Why do you think so many disadvantages were raised after the task force recommendation had been developed? How could this controversy have been avoided?

Your paper should be 8-10 pages in length and well-written. Please be sure to incorporate the questions into your responses. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate.


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write my assignment 4913

Write 1 page essay on the topic SAM 342 UNIT 7.

The book also contains a chapter on the internal marketing of sports, and any recreational activity.

This chapter outlines the importance of internal marketing as a concept of human resource strategy in sports administration. The book has a summary of the main points addressed, and the learning objectives of each and every chapter. It outlines the key terms used, and provides an end of chapter activities.

This book by Packianathan Chelludurai gives an understanding to students of sports management on the important concepts that surround the administration and management of sports, and recreational activities. By providing this understanding, this book prepares students who wish to pursue a career in sports


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write my assignment 9610

Severe & Hazardous Weather  Active Learning Exercises – Ed 4 Exercise 9.1  Airmass Identification

1. Write in the two‐letter abbreviation for each of the airmass descriptors below.

(a) warm and dry _________ (b) warm and moist _________ (c) cold and moist _________ (d) cold and dry _________

2. For each of the following reports of temperature and dewpoint, identify the type of airmass that is affecting the city. Use the two letter abbreviations identified above. 

 City Month Temp. Dew pt. Air mass

(a)  Washington, DC January 39 37 _________

(b)  Boston, MA July 81 71 _________

(c)  Milwaukee, WI January 24 8 _________

(d) Chicago, IL August 79 69 _________

(e) Oklahoma City, OK August 93 48 _________

(f) Dallas, TX March 70 63 _________

(g) Bismark, ND June 82 41 _________

(h) Kansas City, MO December 38 6 _________

(i) Salt Lake City, UT July 92 30 _________

(j) Seattle, WA October 48 45 _________


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write my assignment 31066

Can someone please help me with these?

Question 1

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 4;

    myFunction (num1, num2);


    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << num1Par << num2Par;


A) 33

B) 34

C) 35

D) 36

Question 2

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 4;

    myFunction (num1, num2);

    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {



    cout << num1Par << num2Par;


A) 42

B) 43

C) 44

D) 45

Question 3

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 4;

    myFunction (num1, num2);

    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {





    cout << num1Par << num2Par;


A) 65

B) 56

C) 23

D) 43

Question 4

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 4;

    myFunction (num1, num2);


    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << pow(num2Par,num1Par);


A) 33

B) 46

C) 64

D) 65

Question 5

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 4;

    int num2 = 3;

    myFunction (num1, num2);


    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << pow(num2Par,num1Par);


A) 81

B) 80

C) 79

D) 77

Question 6

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 2;

    int num2 = 2;

    myFunction (num1, num2);

    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << pow(num2Par,pow(num1Par,num2Par));


A) 14

B) 15

C) 16

D) 13

Question 7

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

  int num1 = 18;

  int num2 = 2;

   cout << modIt(num1, num2);

   return 0;


int modIt(int num1Par, int num2Par) {

  return num1Par % num2Par;


A) 2

B) -1

C) 1

D) 0

Question 8

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

  int num1 = 1234561;

  int num2 = 2;

   cout << modIt(num1, num2);

   return 0;


int modIt(int num1Par, int num2Par) {

  return num1Par % num2Par;


A) 4

B) 3

C) 2

D) 1

Question 9

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int aSide = 3;

    int bSide = 4;

    myFunction (aSide, bSide);

    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << sqrt(pow(num1Par,2.0) + pow(num2Par, 2.0));


A) 5555

B) 555

C) 55

D) 5

Question 10

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 4;

    myFunction (num1, num2);

    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << pow(num2Par,num2Par);


A) 245

B) 256

C) 222

D) 652

Question 11

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 4;

    myFunction (num1, num2);

    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << sqrt(num2Par);


A) 5

B) 4

C) 3

D) 2

Question 12

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 4;

    myFunction (num1, num2);

    cout << (num1 * num2);

    return 0;


void myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << num1Par << num2Par;


A) 1234

B) 3412

C) 1423

D) 2345

Question 13

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 4;

    num1 = myFunction (num1, num2);

    cout << num1;

    return 0;


int myFunction (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    cout << num1Par << num2Par;

    return (num1Par * num2Par);


A) 1234

B) 3412

C) 4312

D) 3222

Question 14

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

   int num1 = 3;

   double num2 = 4.0;

   num1 = gradeIt(num2);

   cout << num1;

   return 0;


int gradeIt (double scorePar) {

   if (scorePar >= 60.0)

        return 1;


        return -1;


A) 2

B) 1

C) 0

D) -1

Question 15

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    double num2 = 4.0;

    string message = “”;

    cout << gradeIt(num2);

    return 0;


string gradeIt (double scorePar) {

    if (scorePar < 60.0)

        return “Passed”;


        return “Failed”;


A) Passed

B) Failed

C) PassedFailed

D) none of the above

Question 16

What will be displayed on the console given the following code fragment?

int main() {

 double num2 = 4.0;

 string message = “”;

 cout << gradeIt(pow(20, num2));

 return 0;


string gradeIt(double scorePar) {

 if (scorePar > 60.0)

    return “Passed”;


    return “Failed”;


A) Passed

B) Failed

C) Pass

D) Fail

Question 17

What will be assigned to variable message given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 5;

    double num3 = 6.0;

    string message = “”;

    message = gradeIt(num2) + gradeIt(num1, num2);

    return 0;


string gradeIt (double scorePar) {

    if (scorePar < 60.0)

        return “Passed”;


        return “Failed”;


string gradeIt (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    if (num1Par > 3 && num2Par > 3)

        return “YES”;


        return “NO”;


A) PassedNO

B) PassedYES

C) Passed


Question 18

What will be assigned to variable statement given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    int num1 = 3;

    int num2 = 5;

    double num3 = 6.7;

    string statement = “CS”;

    statement = gradeIt(num2, num3);

    return 0;


string gradeIt (double scorePar) {

  if (scorePar < 60.0)

      return “Passed”;


      return “Failed”;


string gradeIt (int num1Par, int num2Par) {

    if (num1Par > 3 && num2Par > 3)

        return “YES”;


        return “NO”;


string gradeIt (int num1Par, double num2Par) {

    return to_string(num1Par * (int)num2Par);


A) 20

B) 30

C) 40

D) 50

Question 19

What will be assigned to variable output given the following code fragment?

int main() {

    double num1 = 3;

    double num2 = 5;

    int num3 = 9;

    string output = “CS”;

    output = output + modIt(num3) + modIt(num1, num2);

    return 0;


string modIt(int num3Par) {

    return to_string(num3Par) + “ABC”;


string modIt (double num1Par, double num2Par) {

    return “CS225”;




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