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write my assignment 22819

Need an argumentative essay on Behavioral interview. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.

I will be concise about the reasons for communication and then pass on my views without confusion and misunderstanding. In addition, I will use accurate, well-planned, and concise communication. I will outline what I want the father remember, what I want to communicate, and what I intended the message to realize. Also, I will convey my response in a manner that can be accurately understood by the father. I will achieve this by affirming the message clearly, and by anticipating and removing any probable causes for misinterpretation. I will also reemphasize my response via non-verbal communication (Stewart, 1998).

I will utilize clarification, tracking, and reflection to gather information about the maintaining condition. This will help in stringing an understandable, clear, and accurate narrative of the father and assist him realize that I have gained an understanding of their situation. I will employ clarification, tracking, and reflection to show the father that I comprehend what he is saying. Clients are always grateful for the attempt to reflect what they communicate before the conversation progresses (Stewart, 1998). Attempting to comprehend what the client is communicating displays empathy, respect, and dedication to assisting the client. In addition, I will establish my own view points and, later, share them with the father.

Improving self-efficacy, self-confidence, and morale so as to deal with their behavioral issues is not something I can bestow to the father and son. Both the father and son must obtain that experience from successful events. I will associate positive situations of other people encountering the same issues or I will show them relevant research finding results. I will also help the father and son recognize the issue and subdivide it into manageable goals. These methods will help both the father and son attain a sense of confidentiality and confidence in the whole process. I will also create a plan


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write my assignment 27804

Compose a 1000 words essay on Everyday life with Algebra in the Real World. Needs to be plagiarism free!

In the field of biology, computations are carried out in the process of simulating experiments or the calculation of features of a biological structure of the process. For example, algebra is applied in computing mathematical predictions of cellular interactions, analysis of heritage, body reactions to chemicals and intercellular features. Techniques from algebra, discrete mathematics and algebraic geometry have lately acquired new applications in systems biology causing the emergence of the fields of “algebraic biology”. The close interaction between biology and algebraic statistics has also led to new applications of the latter to problems in biology. (Kastner, 2012) Algebra is applied to chemistry to manipulate equations and work out problems. E.g. A gas equation commonly used to compute quantities in chemistry is PV=nRT: P is the pressure (in atmospheres), V is the volume (in Litres), n is the number of moles, R is a constant (.082059 L*atm mol-1 K-1), and T is the temperature (in Kelvin). In current years, computer algebra techniques have acquired widespread application in chemistry education and solving chemistry problems. In case you are given the values of all the other quantities and you are required to obtain the temperature, you could do this by substituting all the variables into the algebraic equation: T= PV/nR. Algebraic concepts to solve everyday problems In business, Linear equations such as T = Ax +By is applied to the total cost of items when every item has the same cost, total quantities of materials used in producing objects. In everyday life, algebraic equations can be used to calculate the total cost of electricity, energy costs on household bills, costs of long distance calls and the cost of renting a car. For example, from a phone bill algebra can point out the initial cost and the additional cost per minute on a long-distance call, and indicate how long a person could talk for any specific amount of money. Slope indicates the rate at which a quantity changes and is applied in business to calculate how much the cost of production of items changes when one more item is produced, i.e. the marginal cost. The rate at which your money decreases or increases can affect ones financial status whereas how quick the rate of unemployment goes down or rises can influence inflation. The algebraic concept of slope can be utilized to analyze all these notions. (Knapp, 2007) The concept of exponents or exponential growth is applied in all money matters affecting people’s daily life, like the compound interest used by banks and savings institutions to calculate interest, mortgage, car and credit card payments for items bought, life insurance and retirement funds. This concept is also applied in prediction of populations, sizes of tumors and other characteristics of the disease. Algebra applied to personal life, Linear equations from


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write my assignment 30142

Hey all i was wondering how to run a program using CMD with two separate java files. If i need to turn them into class files do i change the extension by simply switching .java to .class. The two codes im trying to run at the same time is:

import java.awt.* ;

import java.util.Random;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;

public class Guitar{

// datafield

private int numStrings;

private double guitarLength ;

private String guitarManufacturer ;

private Color guitarColor ;

//not arg constructor Guitar

public Guitar(){

   numStrings = 6;

guitarLength = 28.2;

guitarManufacturer = “Gibson”;

     guitarColor = Color.red;



public Guitar(int NumberOfStrings ,double length, String manufacturer, Color color ){

numStrings = NumberOfStrings;

guitarLength = length;

guitarManufacturer = manufacturer;

     guitarColor =color;



public int getNumStrings(){

return numStrings;



public double getGuitarLength(){

return guitarLength;



public String getGuitarManufacturer(){

return guitarManufacturer;



public Color getGuitarColor(){

return guitarColor;



public String playGuitar( ) {

int first,second;

Random random = new Random();

double[] DurationValues = {0.25,0.5,1,2,4};

char[] character = {‘A’,’B’,’C’,’D’,’E’,’F’,’G’};

String output = “[“;

for (int i=0 ; i <= 15 ; i++) {

first = random.nextInt(7);

second = random.nextInt(5);

output += character[first] + “(” + String.valueOf(DurationValues[second]) + “)”;

if (i < 15){

output = output + “,”;



return output += ‘]’;


// toString

public String toString(){

String infoString = “(numStrings=”+getNumStrings()+”, Length=”+getGuitarLength()+

“, manufacturer=”+getGuitarManufacturer()+”, color=”+getNameReflection(getGuitarColor())+”)”;

return infoString;


//getNameReflection to get name of color

public static String getNameReflection(Color colorParam) {

    try {

      Field[] field = Class.forName(“java.awt.Color”).getDeclaredFields();

      for (Field f : field) {

        String colorName = f.getName();

        Class<?> t = f.getType();

        if (t == java.awt.Color.class) {

          Color defined = (Color) f.get(null);

          if (defined.equals(colorParam)) {

            return colorName.toUpperCase();




    } catch (Exception e) {

      System.out.println(“Error… ” + e.toString());


    return ” “;




filename: TestGuitar


import java.awt.Color;

public class TestGuitar {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Guitar test1 = new Guitar(7, 30.2, “Fender”, Color.BLACK);

Guitar test2 = new Guitar();

Guitar test3 = new Guitar(9, 50.3, “johandark”, Color.cyan);

// test1


 System.out.println(“toString(): “+test1.toString());

System.out.println(“getNumStrings(): “+test1.getNumStrings());

System.out.println(“getGuitarLength(): “+test1.getGuitarLength());

System.out.println(“getGuitarManufacturer(): “+test1.getGuitarManufacturer());

System.out.println(“getGuitarColor(): “+test1.getNameReflection(test1.getGuitarColor()));

 System.out.println(“playGuitar(): “+test1.playGuitar()+”nn”);

// test2


 System.out.println(“toString(): “+test2.toString());

System.out.println(“getNumStrings(): “+test2.getNumStrings());

System.out.println(“getGuitarLength(): “+test2.getGuitarLength());

System.out.println(“getGuitarManufacturer(): “+test2.getGuitarManufacturer());

System.out.println(“getGuitarColor(): “+test2.getNameReflection(test2.getGuitarColor()));

 System.out.println(“playGuitar(): “+test2.playGuitar()+”nn”);

// test3


 System.out.println(“toString(): “+test3.toString());

System.out.println(“getNumStrings(): “+test3.getNumStrings());

System.out.println(“getGuitarLength(): “+test3.getGuitarLength());

System.out.println(“getGuitarManufacturer(): “+test3.getGuitarManufacturer());

System.out.println(“getGuitarColor(): “+test3.getNameReflection(test3.getGuitarColor()));

 System.out.println(“playGuitar(): “+test3.playGuitar());




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write my assignment 1655

KWrite a client program Compare.java that takes 2 command line arguments k, d, and reads a list of URLs from the standard input. This program reads each URL, creates an instance of Document with that URL and k, d. It finally finds the most similar document to each document. The output consists of n lines, where n is the number of documents. Each line contains the following 3 items separated with a space character. First, the reference file name, second, the closest file name to the reference, third the similarity value between them in percentage with 2 digits after decimal point (e.g. 72.56%). The sample input/output illustrates the behavior of this program.


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