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write my assignment 8440

Discussion  Questions  Short answers. I am a black male Answer the following discussion questions

What I like best about being a [ your cultural  identity]_is…

What I most admire about [ your cultural identity] is…

What I most hope for our [ younger generation of your cultural group]’ future is…

What I think most empowers [ your cultural group] is…

What most brings [ your cultural  group] together is…

What most brings [ your cultural  group] and [ different  cultural  groups]  together is…

Discussion  Questions

Living in a diverse community and nation… 

How do you want to perceive  yourself and your life when you are 60?

What can you do to achieve that vision?

What changes might be needed  in the people around you for you to achieve that 


What changes  might be  needed  in society  for you  to achieve  that vision?


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write my assignment 29901

Assignment Option 1: Investment Analysis

Imagine that you are an executive with a multinational corporation that wants to open a manufacturing facility in an underdeveloped country. You have been assigned the responsibility of preparing a report on the suitability of a particular country for investment. Your company is concerned with the investment climate in this country, but is equally interested in the country’s political stability and its social and cultural environment since it will be making a substantial financial commitment. Your corporation views this as not only an opportunity to make a profit, but also as a humanitarian effort to help improve the standard of living in a lesser developed country.

For your Portfolio Project, select a country in Africa, Asia, or South America and study that country in depth, applying concepts covered throughout the course. Prepare a detailed report for your Board of Directors that includes the following information:

General information:

  • Population of the country (see 1 below for more information)
  • Important ethnic or racial groups and divisions
  • Per capita gross domestic product (see 2 below for more information)
  • UN Human Development Index rankings (see 2 below for more information)
  • Freedom House scores for political rights and civil liberties (see 3 below for more information)
  • The economic position of your country compared to other countries (wealthy, poor, middle income).

Classification and structure of government

  • Liberal democracy, illiberal democracy, authoritarian regime?
  • Philosophers or thinkers who have influenced the political history and development of the system of government
  • Presidential, parliamentary or other system?
  • Who is the head of government?
  • Electoral system: how are legislators selected? How is the executive elected or chosen? How is the bureaucracy staffed?
  • What is the highest level of the judiciary? Does judicial review exist?
  • Is your country a federal or unitary system? How are policies administered in your country?
  • Is there a written constitution? How old is it? Is it considered to be effective? Does it have the support of the people?
  • How much control does government exercise over the economy?

Competition, stability and civil society

  • Number and strength of political parties
  • Major conflicts between parties (liberal, conservative, left-right, ethnicity, etc.)
  • Voting behavior – if your country is a democracy, what is the turnout for elections? Is voting compulsory? (See 4 below for more information.)
  • What are the results of the most recent election? When is the next national election?
  • Are there any recent political changes?
  • Major social movements?

Economic environment

  • Suitability of the country for foreign investment
  • Government policy toward foreign investment
  • Challenges and potential obstacles
  • Advantages to foreign investment in this country.

Other questions

  • What are the most important political, economic, environmental and human rights issues facing your country?
  • Is your country in conflict with its neighbors or other countries?
  • What are its relations with major global powers ‑- the U.S., Europe, China, etc.?

Required Resources:

  1. Data can be accessed through the World Bank website.
  2. Data can be found on the website of the UN Human Development Report
  3. Data available at Freedomhouse.org
  4. Data on election turnout available on the website of the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. To calculate turnout, divide the number of voters by the voting age population.

Additional Requirements:

  • Write a formal essay 8-10 pages in length, complete with citations from at least 10 credible academic sources other than required course readings to support your findings. The CSU-Global Library is an excellent place to search for scholarly sources
  • In addition, provide a reference list, in alphabetical order by last name of author, in APA format, and include a title page at the beginning.
  • Always APA style and review the library material concerning APA style before turning in this assignment.


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write my assignment 30692

Minimum 250 words per post, Minimum 2 references PER POST from the reference provided from course material listed below; apa format including website


Homework assignment. Respond to two discussion post by fellow classmate. Use only class materials in your responses. Responses must be in third person. All responses to your classmates must have support from the class material, PROVIDED BELOW. This means any and all opinions, facts or conclusions must show support from the weekly class materials and/or case study facts, PROVIDED BELOW. APA in text citations, reference list and sound writing mechanics are required.

Original question

Using the class material, debate the truth of the statement made in Theme #1: 

A Good Decision depends on how the decision is made, not the outcome.

Be sure to include in the answer the definition of a good decision and why the decision outcome is not the important measure of a good decision.

******My homework is to provide a response to this student answer to this question, Response must have in text citations AND references from the course material below ****** 

Matthew LAZAR   Student Answer/Post: Decisions can be a conundrum for many people.  Options may abound, but which option to choose can stifle the most intelligent of minds when a decision-making process is absent.  Society – our family, jobs, and school – tells us that results generally define a good decision.  If a student receives a high grade on a paper, it will often be assumed that they made a good decision to study and put lots of time into getting that paper perfect.  What if the student didn’t study at all though?  What if the student paid a friend who had taken the course in the past to write the paper?  Was the decision still good?  Is crossing the ethical boundary of academic integrity a good decision?  There wouldn’t be rules in every school in the country against it, if it was good.  Therefore, it cannot be assumed that a good outcome was the result of a good decision. 

So if the outcome doesn’t define whether a good decision is made or not, what does?  The focus must be moved away from what the “problem” is, and shifted to what the “process” should be (Roberto, 2005).  Taking the student and their paper example, the problem is that they need a good grade on this paper to pass the class.  If they look solely at the problem, having someone write it could solve that problem, but that is a poor decision.  If the student focused on the process, they would see that they need to find a relevant topic, research and decide on a few good sources, dedicate time to write, and so on.  That process is good, because it is the process needed to write a well-written paper.  Will the student receive a better grade going through the “process” than they would if they had their friend write it?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  The outcome is unknown, but the decision was good.

Don’t people want the best, or at least good, outcomes though?  Of course they do.  So what then is the benefit of focusing on the decision making process versus focusing on the desired outcome?  De Reyck and Degraeve surmise that having a process for decision making transforms how one is held accountable, and also… helps develop a better and better process (2010)!  When the outcome is the focus, it can become passively acceptable to skirt – even break – rules or laws.  When the process for making the decision is the focus, there shouldn’t be a need to worry about breaking any rules or laws.  And the more the process is used, the better it will likely become, meaning results will likely get better as the decision maker becomes better at the process. 

Having a good decision process, even if the outcome is unfavorable, has other benefits that may be considered the “intangibles”.  People want to make good decisions, and people want to have something that’s systematic and replicable (Boss, 2015).  If an organization adopts processes for decision making, and doesn’t make the outcome the focus, the pressure employees feel to “get results” is removed, or lifted substantially.  Adopting good decision making processes can change the entire culture of an organization.  No more would employees have to wonder if they made a good decision.  They will know it, regardless of what the outcome will be.

******My homework is to provide a response to this student answer to this question, Response must have in text citations AND references from the course material below ****** 

Kali ImkerStudent Answer/Post:The definition of decision making is, the action or process of making decisions, especially important ones. Although this discussion asked for the definition of a “good decision”, I believe that the definition could vary in different situations. After reading the course material given to us, I came to the conclusion that the saying “A good decision depends on how the decision is made, not the outcome” means that how you get the solution of the outcome is the important part. Making a decision can happen in many ways, when you get different voices and ideas from other people to narrow the possibilities down to the best one that fits is a way to get a “good decision”. Some managers don’t like the confrontation from other people when they think they have the right decision in mind, which could potentially lead to the wrong decision. If you make a decision without thinking about “how” you can get a good decision, you are more than likely going to have a failed decision on the outcome. Brainstorming is one of the key elements to get a “good decision”, without brainstorming and exploring different ways to receive an ethical and good outcome, the decision could backfire. 




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write my assignment 19419

I need help with an assignment. The goal of the script here for Python is to make a program that lets users enter their information as long as they want. The information I need is sex, age, and name. Then I have to print the number of males/number of females and an average age. Finally, the user has to be able to exit the program. Additionally, there must be an exception for spelling male or female wrong and an exception for ages outside of the 18-65 range. This is what I have so far but loops, lists and exceptions is quite confusing.

name = ” “

gender = ” “

age = ” “

maleVariable = []

femaleVariable = []

ageVariable = []

name = raw_input (“Enter name here or press enter to end script:”)

while True:

   if name == “enter”:



       age = raw_input (“Enter age here:”)

       gender = raw_input (“Enter gender here (male or female):”)

   if gender == “male”:

       maleCount == maleCount + 1

       MaleInfo.append ((name, age))

   if gender == “female”:

       femaleCount = femaleCount + 1

       FemaleInfo.append ((name, age))

name = “”

list = [ ]

while name <> ” “:

   name = raw_input (“What is your name: “)

age = “”

list = [ ]

while age <> ” “:

   age = raw_input (“How old are you: “)

sex = “”

list = [ ]

while sex <> ” “:

   sex = raw_input (“Are you a male or female: “)

for i in MaleInfo:

   print i[0] + ” is ” + i[1] + ” year old.”

for i in FemaleInfo:

   print i [0] + ” is ” + i [1] + “years old.”

cont = ‘y’

cont not in “yes or no”

print femaleCount

print femaleAge/femaleCount

print maleCount

print maleAge/maleCount

print “Loop completed”

maleVariable = []

femaleVariable = []


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