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write my assignment 27066

Based on the following passage, what are some possible answers the questions at the end?

En las décadas de 1970 y 1980, los científicos empezaron a descubrir que la actividad humana estaba teniendo un impacto negativo sobre la capa de ozono, una región de la atmósfera que protege al planeta de los rayos ultravioletas. Esta capa gaseosa, que se encuentra a unos 40 km de altura sobre el nivel del mar, tiene una gran importancia para preservar la vida en nuestro planeta. Los estudios que hicieron muestran que la capa de ozonoestá siendo afectada por el uso de los clorofluorcarbonos (CFC, compuestos del flúor), que se emplean en la refrigeración, el aire acondicionado, los solventes de limpieza, los materiales de empaquetado y los aerosoles.

Al principio, los científicos pensaban que la capa de ozono se estaba reduciendo de forma similar en todo el planeta. Posteriores investigacionesrevelaron, en 1985, la existencia de un gran agujero en la capa sobre la Antártida; un 50% o más del ozono situado sobre esta área desaparecía estacionalmente. En el año 2001, el agujero alcanzó una superficie de 26 millones de kilómetros cuadrados.

La disminución de la capa de ozono expone a la vida terrestre a un exceso de radiación ultravioleta, que puede producir cáncer de la piel y cataratas, reducir la respuesta del sistema inmunológico, interferir en el proceso de fotosíntesis de las plantas y afectar el crecimiento del fitoplancton oceánico. 

Muchos países tratan de ayudar para reducir las emisiones de gasesque provocan el llamado efecto invernadero. No obstante, los CFC pueden permanecer en la atmósfera durante más de 100 años, por lo que la destrucción del ozono continuará durante décadas.

1.         ¿Qué es la capa de ozono? __________________________________________________


2.         Describe el problema con la capa de ozono. ______________________________________


3.         ¿Dónde está el agujero más grande de la capa de ozono? ____________________________


4.         ¿Qué peligros a la vida terrestreexisten? _________________________________________


5.         ¿Qué están haciendo los países del mundo para resolver el problema?


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write my assignment 21222

Type a response with an apa cited source 200 words

To have a better understanding of how secondary analysis works in research, one must have a clear understanding of what secondary analysis is. Secondary analysis is “the reanalysis of data collected by another researcher or organization, including the analysis of data sets collated from a variety of sources to create time-series or area-based data sets” (Shi, 2008, p. 461). The article that I have found in the Keiser Online Library regarding secondary analysis as it relates to the ethical, logistical, and cost of true data needed for research purposes to compare or process new data as other questions are needing answers and the data can either be qualitative or quantitative (Ruth, 2018). While secondary data can be cost effective in terms of starting from scratch there are several other advantages such as reanalyzing the data to come up with other variables to answer other important questions and the fact that secondary data is non-reactive and subjects will act more naturally as opposed to initially starting the process. Another plus is that secondary data analysis can be used in conjunction with other data to reach a conclusion or it can be used by itself (Ruth, 2018). Just like all things secondary data analysis in research has its disadvantages such as the researcher having no control over how the data needed is to be collected as they would in the initial process, the quality of the data may not be efficient enough to conduct a secondary analysis, and not knowing if the data collected is really random or if it is biased (Ruth, 2018). Meta-analysis is another type of secondary data that is used to synthesize the results of existing multiple qualitative research studies, so “even when the results of a study show statistical significance, the hypothesis still may not be true” (Ruth, 2018). Which is why it is a good idea to use both secondary analysis and combine it with other primary analysis data to get the desired outcome.


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write my assignment 15320

Your company is stressing a new philosophy: “Problem-solving is our business.” Artists use problem-solving on a daily basis. For example, a painter might have a problem of depth within a picture plane. He/She would first need to recognize the issue, then visualize a solution and execute it. As problem-solving requires critical thinking and critical thinking requires creativity, you realize you will need to keep tremendous focus if you want to excel at your job. That means idea creation, and with that, you will need to exercise those parts of the brain that stimulate new ideas. To do this, you will create hypothetical scenarios and try to solve the equations, so to speak. By engaging in this process, perhaps you will find similarities in the problem-solving paths that connect to your own life.

  1. Identify three problems that people might encounter in their everyday lives. These can be even the most basic of life’s inconveniences. For example, changing a tire.
  2. For each of these scenarios, create a timeline that maps out how to overcome these issues.
  3. For each scenario, provide three possible outcomes for each.
  4. Connect the problem-solving process of one of these scenarios to your own experience.
  5. Recognize and describe some obstacle you might encounter in your process idea creation.

In the end, you should have three problems, nine solutions, one problem of your own, and possible obstacles.


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write my assignment 1701


DQ 4 

Go to the following website by clicking on the provided link, http:// , and select a county and a state (florida state ). After reviewing the website and the health outcomes in the County Health Rankings for the area, answer the following questions in a few short sentences as part of your discussion.

Select one area in need of improvement and list the general statistics pertaining to the specific problem.

How does the creation of the community health center program help to address this public health problem and what can you as a nurse practitioner and/or nurse leader do to influence policy innovation to resolve the problems


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