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write my assignment 26978

1. Considera el siguiente segmento de programa:

//import classes

public class Exercise4


    public static void main(String[] args)


    //variable declaration

    //executable statements



2. Escribe una instrucción de Java que importe la clase Scanner (class Scanner).

3. Escribe una instrucción de Java que declara console a ser un objeto Scanner para introducir datos desde el dispositivo de entrada estándar.

4. Escribe los comandos de Java que declaran e inicializa las siguientes constantes: SECRET de tipo int inicializado a 11; TASA de tipo double inicializada a 12.50.

5. Escribe los comandos de Java que declaran las siguientes variables: num1, num2 y newNum de tipo int; nombre de tipo String; hoursWorked y salarios de tipo double.

6. Escribe los comandos de Java que le pidan al usuario entrar dos números enteros y almacena el primer número en num1 y el segundo número en num2.

7. Escribe una declaración de Java que envíe el valor de num1 y num2, indicando cuál es num1 y num2. Por ejemplo, si tiene una num1 y num2 es 5, entonces la salida es:

El valor de num1 = 8 y el valor de num2 = 5.

8. Escribe una declaración de Java que multiplique el valor de num1 por 2, suma el valor de num2 a él y luego almacena el resultado en newNum. Luego escribe una declaración de Java que envíe el valor de newNum como salida.

9. Escribe una declaración de Java que actualice el valor de newNum agregando el valor de la constante SECRET. A continuación, escribe una declaración de Java que envíe el valor de newNum a la salida con un mensaje apropiado.

10. Escribe los comandos de Java para pedir al usuario que introduzca el apellido de la persona y luego almacena el apellido en la variable nombre.

11. Escribe los comandos de Java para pedir al usuario que introduzca un número decimal entre 0 y 70 y luego almacena el número entrado en hoursWorked.

12. Escribe una declaración de Java que multiplique el valor de la constante TASA con el valor de hoursWorked y almacena el resultado en la variable salarios.

13. Escribe los comandos de Java que producen el siguiente resultado:

Name: //valor de la variable nombre

Pay Rate: $ //valor de la constante TASA

Hours Worked: //valor de la variable hoursWorked

Salary: $ //valor de la variable salarios

Por ejemplo, si el valor del nombre es “Soto” y hoursWorked es 45.50, entonces la salida es:

Name: Soto

Pay Rate: $12.50

Hours Worked: 45.50

Salario: $568.75


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write my assignment 29243

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Definition of Family. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length. Definition of Family Definition of Family There are several ways of defining the term ‘family’ as exhibited bymy three respondents. They had varying definitions of family and what the definition meant to them. From their responses, it is evident that families differ in terms of social and cultural facets. They, however, identified some factors such as love, shared interests, and children as core to the family.

The first respondent, A, was an elderly man aged approximately between 70 and 75 years. He defined family as people living together in the same home, usually father, mother, and children. He elaborated his definition to include grandparents, uncles, aunties, and cousins among other relatives. With the inclusion of relatives, he specified that the family becomes extended and does not necessary have to live in the same house or home. He also clarified that a family can refer to a group of people with common interests. The members of the group do not necessary have to be blood-related but can be work colleagues or friends.

The second respondent, B, was a woman aged between 40 and 45. She defined a family as the basic unit of the society that comprises of parents and their children. She clarified that a family can consist of a single parent and children. What binds them together is love and happiness as they live in the same home. Additionally, she expounded to include parents who come together along with their kids from previous marriages. To her, a family deserves that name if the members show support, love, and friendship for each other.

The last person, C, to ask for the definition of a family was a college student aged between 20 and 25 years. He had several definitions of a family. One was that it is a social group that comprises of children and their parents. Also, a family is a group of people who maintain close contact and have shared interests. Lastly, he acknowledged adoptive parents and homosexual partners with or without children as a family.

The definitions given have a lot in common. All the respondents recognize that a family must have parents and their children. Respondent A, for example, identified a father, mother, and children as the core members of the family. Similar sentiments were given by respondents B and C who viewed the union of parents and children as the family. Another similarity in their definitions was the concept of people with shared interests coming together to form a family. It is common to hear religious groups refer themselves as families because the members aim to worship and do things that please their creator.

Apart from respondent A, the other two did not echo the idea of relatives as part of the family. Although the extended family comprises of relatives, the two respondents chose to omit them in their definitions. Respondent C said homosexual partners also qualify to be a family. The other respondents had no idea of gay and lesbian families.

I define family as the basic social group that comprises of parents and their children or people with shared values and dwell in the same place. According to Eggenberger et al. (2006), a family is a significant social unit that acts as the foundation of society and its cultures. The journal supports my definition because a family is the basis of a community. Family networks help connect different people to form a society with shared values.


Eggenberger, S., Grassley, J., & Restrepo, E. (2006, September 1). Culturally Competent Nursing Care for Families: Listening to the Voices of Mexican-American Women. Retrieved September 20, 2015, from http://


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write my assignment 19974

Write 6 page essay on the topic The latest technology in Health Information Tracking.

The insufficiency of computerized information related to heath care, health information systems are implemented. These systems do not support data analysis in which equity related stratifies is usually not possible. The transformation of the healthcare industry utilizing Information Technology is continuously updating. The healthcare sector’s investment in Information Technology is not up to the mark for at least a decade, as history shows that the health care industry has adopted the Information Technology late. As the increasing costs of healthcare intimidate the competitive advantage of developed countries, ways to use information technology to organize costs are being recognized. Major government projects focus on the improvement of information technology adoption and shrink costs while protecting patient privacy. Requirement for researchers to facilitate practitioners recognize how information technology can advance hospitals’ productivity is evident. As people are becoming more and more aged, population is becoming a challenge in social and economic sector worldwide. In the United States, people with age over 65 are expected to hit 70 million by 2030. This figure is doubled as compared to 35 million in 2000. Health care in the context of Information technology has become an obsession globally. These increments are been observer globally. The old aged people having diseases, requiring constant monitoring and medication and need to visit the hospitals and clinics on a regular basis. If the disease is identified at the initial stage by health monitoring techniques, the quality of life will be improved and many lives can be saved. At the same time, investigating the disease can reduce the cost and resources which are utilized for the treatment of a patient. The cost related to health care is also an emerging problem (Durresi et al.


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write my assignment 16206

for week 4 forum, a word cloud featuring terms relating to the enlightenment and classical music is used.

– Complete week 4 reading and listening , which includes Chapter 4 “Classical Era” in the course text and the week 4 lesson.

– Choose an example from the listening below.

– Listen carefully to your selection.

– Using at least 10 words from the Classical Music word cloud, describe specific elements that relate to your musical selection. Note: that the words do not count towards the 10 words requirement: music, musical, composer/s, and classical. Write in complete sentences. The ten times need to be used in a way that relate to music and /or culture in the classical era. initial poste are to be a minimum of 250 words. 

– Bold or highlight the ten words in your answer chosen from the classical music word cloud. 

– Post your completed answer to the week 4 forum.

Litening List:

1. Mozart, “Piano Sonata No11 in A major, third movement

2. Mozart, “Piano Concerto No21 in C major, K 467”

3. Mozart, “Symphony No40 in G minor, K 550, fourth movement

4. Mozart, “Der Holle Rach” from act 2 of the Magic Flute.

5. Mozart, “The Marriage of Figaro, Overture”

6. Haydn, “String Quartet No62 in C major.

7. Haydn, “String Quartet No53 in D major, Op 64 No5” (The lARK)

8. Haydn, “Symphony No94 in G major” (the Surprise Symphony)

9. Haydn, “Trumpet concerto in E-flat major”

10. Beethoven, “Piano concerto No4 in Gmajor, Op 58, second and third movement.


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