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write my assignment 30162


1. There are four units that make up a crime laboratory.  They include a scientific analysis section, special projects section, fingerprinting, and investigative operations and support (Jaske, P., 2019).  There are also several divisions that assist the Director’s Office: Serology, Chemistry/Toxicology, Trace Evidence, Biology, or Microscopy and Ballistics, Firearms or Fingerprinting (Jaske, P., 2019).  The unit that would examine the revolver to include the fingerprints would be the scientific analysis unit under the Ballistics, Firearms or Fingerprinting division.  When it goes to processing the firearm, the unit should first test for touch DNA before the fingerprints.  When it comes to trying to process prints off a firearm, this proves difficult.  The DNA is a better process for examination on the firearm (Nunn, S., 2013).  If there was a shell casing found at the scene, then fingerprints can be lifted off the casing.  As for the blood and skin under the victim’s fingernails, the evidence should also be sent to the scientific analysis unit under the Trace Evidence, Biology, or Microscopy division.  This way the evidence can be further analyzed and tested.

2. There are multiple steps that should be taken when initially arriving at the scene of a crime.  They should include initial response/ receipt of information, safety procedures, emergency care, secure and control persons at the scene and boundaries established (NIST, 2013).  It is important to note that one of the most important parts of securing a crime scene is to ensure that there is minimal contamination and the disturbance of the evidence is limited.

 When the first officer arrived at a scene, it would be important for them to have been alert and attentive when approaching the scene.  The scene is to be treated as an active crime scene unless determined otherwise.  The officer should log the information detailing the scene to include that there was no one fleeing the scene.  When conducting the safety procedures, the officer should make sure that the scene is clear for the other responders to arrive.  This would include scanning the area for any dangers such as smells, sounds and sights that are observed.  If the scene is not secured and safe for the emergency personnel, then they cannot continue with their job.  The next step in the process should be taking care of the injured person.  In this case, the officer should assess the victim and provide the necessary action to ensure that the victim is stable.  The office should have one of the victim’s friend’s help assist the victim, i.e. put pressure on the wound and talk to them to assess the level on consciousness.  Since the ambulance was called, that part of the step is taken care of.  The officer should also take note of evidence that the emergency personnel should keep for the investigation and instruct the emergency personnel to leave all items at the scene if applicable (NIST, 2013).  While this is happening, the officer should also be documenting statements made by the friends and witnesses.  When controlling the scene and witnesses, they should be separated from the scene in order to preserve the scene and evidence.  Since the friends may be upset about what had happened, the officer should proceed with compassion while separating them from the victim.  The officer should also be declaring the boundaries of the scene, this will include the scene itself, potential routes in an out where the suspect could have entered or exited and places of potential evidence, i.e. the knife.  These boundaries should also be secured with crime scene tape.  

All of these steps should run concurrent as much as possible, especially if there is only one officer at the scene to ensure the best medical attention to the victim and preservation of the crime scene for the follow up investigation.  After these steps are taken, the officer should prepare for the turnover of control to the lead investigator, document all that happened and their observations, make the appropriate notifications and continue to manage the witnesses (NIST, 2013). 


           Jaske, P. (2019). Lesson: Introduction to Criminalistics, The Crime Scene, and Physical Evidence Retrieved from https://edge.apus.edu/portal/site/401239/tool/c0955c56-61fe-4977-93cf-de5e0774874f

            National Institute of Standards and Technology & National Forensic Science Technology     Center. (2013). Crime Scene Investigation: A   Guide for Law Enforcement. Largo, FL. Retrieved from  https://            Nunn, Samuel. (2013). Touch DNA Collection Versus Firearm Fingerprinting: Comparing        Evidence Production and Identification Outcomes. Journal of forensic sciences. 58. 10.1111/1556-4029.12119.


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write my assignment 7783

High school sports are an important part of cities and towns all across the United States. Choose a current policy area from the following within the context of scholastic sport: eligibility; amateurism; gender equity; participation by athletes with disabilities; alcohol, drug, and tobacco use; or funding. 

Your assignment must be completed based on the following criteria:

· At least 2 pages;

· 1-inch margins;

· Double-spaced;

· 12-point, Times New Roman font;

· At least 3 references using current APA format included where appropriate; and

· Clear biblical integration (more than including a Bible verse).

Include a title on the top line of the first page, and include your name. No other identifying information is needed. You must also include the reference information for each source in current APA format on a separate page.

Due Friday May 24, 2019


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write my assignment 14003

Hi, I need help with essay on Curriculum Mapping. Paper must be at least 250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

The curriculum mapping helps in improving communication within parents and communities about curriculum and all that every teacher covers. When choosing a lesson topic, one can use the curriculum map by collecting information on what the topic is all about, then going through the information, and then mixing the group reviews after which the teacher determines on the points that can be revised immediately (Hale, 2008).

Modification and extensions provide students with avenues of acquiring the contents, which has a sense of ideas, and developing the teaching materials in order for the students. Different learning styles and abilities may also include how students show how they have mastery of concepts. The key to differentia is finding how students can display their learning to meet the required specific needs (Kallick, 2009).

Curriculum mapping improves the instruction by laying clear objectives of what are taught to eliminate unnecessary repetitions. It is also allows the objectives to be met in time as well as reflects on the student’s scores in class. Therefore, teachers should always carry out curriculum mapping to make time easy for them as well as making students to grasps things


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write my assignment 16772

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: Relationship between Marrying Later and Marital Stability: How Delaying I Do Impacts Happily Ever After.

Studies showed that people who marry later in life tend to stay married than people who marry during their teens, although compatibility, education, and economic factors shape the stability of marriage for both groups. The ideal age of marriage is in the early&nbsp.to late twenties, although people who marry later can also have stable marriages. Teenage marriage has higher dissolution rates than older people who get married, although teenage childbirth is not strongly correlated with marital dissolution. Educational level, socio-economic status of women before and during the marriage, and perceptions of role consensus and quality of spouse role enactment&nbsp.impact marital stability, whether people marry early or not. Because compatibility is critical to marriage stability, marrying earlier is not always strongly correlated to higher marital dissolution, except when it interfered with educational and/or employment opportunities for women, since women are still the typical gender burdened with childcare and household responsibilities.

The main hypothesis is that people, who marry later, specifically from they’re the early to late twenties, tend to have higher marriage stability than teenage marriages. Other mediating factors can exist to ensure the strength and duration of marriages for older people, such as race, religion, education, compatibility, and socio-economic conditions, but only the last three were emphasized.


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