Entries by Student

write my assignment 3028

A manufacturer of quality nails produces nails of length 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 inches. If there is an overrun in the production process, or if the nails are slightly defective, then these nails are placed in a common bin for internal use. Yesterday there were 651 one inch, 243 two inch, 41 three inch, 451 four inch and 333 five inch nails in

           the common bin.

i.  What is the probability of reaching into the bin and getting a four inch nail?

ii. What is the probability of getting a five inch nail?

A particular application requires a nail that is three inches or shorter. What is the probability of getting a nail that will satisfy the requirements of this application?       


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write my assignment 16991

Write 10 SQL statements against the STUDENT schema you created for practice lab 1. Your statements should run error-free and should be valid. Submit two separate files: one plain text file (.txt or .sql file) with your statements only; and the other document (doc/docx/pdf) include both your statements and your query results (copy and paste text or screen shots). The instructor and TA should be able to run your plain text source file as script and generate the same output as shown in your result document.

1. Display all information about all courses that have no prerequisite

2. Add yourself as a new student to the Student table (use sequence STUDENT_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL as Student_ID and 07070 as zip)

3. List all students (display Student_ID, first name and last name) who live in zip 07070

4. Show how many students who have phone area code 212 (HINT: use the SUBSTR function)

5. List all student names who work for Electronic Engineers and registered on or after Feb. 3, 2007

6. List all courses that have “Intro to Information Systems” as prerequisite (HINT: use a subquery)

7. For all students who have phone area code 212, change the code to 202 while keeping the same phone number (HINT: consider using functions such as SUBSTR and LENGTH)

8. Delete your own student record added for query 2

9. Lower cost of all courses by 300

10. List all course costs (show course description and cost only) by the order of cost from lowest to highest (show courses without cost first)

See attachments.

Please let me know if additional information is needed!


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write my assignment 13033

1.    National Association of Shoplifting Prevention (NASP) claims that only 50% of all shoplifters are turned over to police. A random sample of 40 US retailers were questioned concerning the disposition of the most recent shoplifters they apprehended. A total of 24 were turned over to police.

a.    Do these data provide sufficient evidence to contradict the NASP? Use α = 0.01.

b.    What is the P-value for the test in part a?

2.    An MBA program requires average GMAT score of more than 670 to be admitted. The XYZ., Inc. wants to know if the average GMAT score for the students who have taken their prep course meets the above standards. They have collected random samples of six GMAT scores of their students. The following scores were obtained:

                             500, 600, 700, 750, 700, 650.           

a.    Do you think the students who take the XYZ Prep Course meet the MBA   requirement? Use α = 0.025.

4. Suppose that 9 observations are drawn from a normal population whose variance is 10. The observations are: 15, 9, 13, 11, 8, 12, 11, 7, and 10. At α =.05, you want to determine whether the variance of the population from which this sample was taken is significantly different from 10.


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write my assignment 29477

Bunyan Lumber LLC: Calculate when the company should harvest the timberBunyan Lumber, LLC, harvests timber and delivers logs to timber mills for sale. The company was founded 70 years ago by Pete Bunyan. The current CEO is Paula Bunyan, the granddaughter of the founder. The company is currently evaluating a 5,000 acre forest it owns in Oregon. Paula has asked Steve Boles, the company’s finance officer, to evaluate the project. Paula’s concern is when the company should harvest the timber. Lumber is sold by the company for its “pond value”. Pond value is the amount a mill will pay for a log delivered to the mill location. The price paid for logs delivered to a mill is quoted in dollars per thousands of board feet (MBF), and the price depends on the grade of the logs. The forest Bunyan Lumber is evaluating was planted by the company 20 years ago and is made up entirely of Douglas fir trees. The table below shows the current price per MBF for the three grades of timber the company feels will come from the stand: Timber Grade Price Per MBF 1P $660630620Steve believes that the pond value of lumber will increase at the inflation rate. The company is planning to thin the forest today, and it expects to realize a positive cash flow of $1,000 per acre from thinning. The thinning is done to increase the growth rate of the remaining trees, and it is always done 20 years following a planting. The major decision the company faces is when to log the forest. When the company logs the forest, it will immediately replant saplings, which will allow for a future harvest. The longer the forest is allowed to grow, the larger the harvest becomes per acre. Additionally, an older forest has a higher grade of timber. Steve has compiled the following table with the expected harvest per acre in thousands of board feet, along with the breakdown of the timber grade: Years from today Harvest (MBF) Timber Grade to begin harvest per acre 1P 2P 3P 3P48%403531The company expects to lose 5% of the timber it cuts due to defects and breakage. The forest will be clear-cut when the company harvests the timber. This method of harvesting allows for faster growth of replanted trees. All of the harvesting, processing, replanting, and transportation are to be handled by subcontractors hired by Bunyan Lumber. The cost of the logging is expected to be $140 per MBF. A road system has to be constructed and is expected to cost $50 per MBF on averageThe forest will be clear-cut when the company harvests the timber. This method of harvesting allows for faster growth of replanted trees. All of the harvesting, processing, replanting, and transportation are to be handled by subcontractors hired by Bunyan Lumber. The cost of the logging is expected to be $140 per MBF. A road system has to be constructed and is expected to cost $50 per MBF on average. Sales preparation and administrative costs, excluding office overhead costs, are expected to be $18 per MBF. As soon as the harvesting is complete, the company will reforest the land. Reforesting costs include the following: Per Acre Cost Excavator piling $150 300 145 225 All costs are expected to increase at the inflation rate. Assume all cash flows occur at the year of harvest. For example, if the company begins harvesting the timber 20 years from today, the cash flow from the harvest will be received 20 years from today. When the company logs the land, it will immediately replant the land with new saplings. The return is 10% and the inflation rate is expected to be 3.7% per year. Bunyan Lumber has a 35% tax rate. Clear cutting is a controversial method of forest management. To obtain the necessary permits, Bunyan Lumber has agreed to contribute to a conservation fund every time it harvests the lumber. If the company harvested the forest today, the required contribution would be 250,000 The company has agreed that the required contribution will grow by 3.2% per year. When should the company harvest the forest?


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