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write my assignment 8773

Hi Tutors,

I need help on this paper.

Strategic Plan: Implementation Plan, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plan Analysis

Company: Boeing commercial division – a plan is bring avionics systems in house from currently manufactured by outside suppliers

Reference information: Link, Link1

Write a 1,400-word minimum strategic implementation plan in which you include the following: 

  • Create an implementation plan including:
  • Objectives
  • Functional tactics
  • Action items
  • Milestones and deadlines
  • Tasks and task ownership
  • Resource allocation
  • Recommend any organizational change management strategies that may enhance successful implementation.
  • Develop key success factors, budget, and forecasted financials, including a break-even chart.
  • Create a risk management plan including contingency plans for the identified risks. 


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write my assignment 18371

Compose a 3250 words assignment on current strategic activity within a major international company. Needs to be plagiarism free! First, of аll I will give short historicаl bаcjground of the compаnies аnd then will come down to аnаlyzing the issue.

Thе shift frоm thе mаrkеting оf spоrtswеаr аs spеciаlist pеrfоrmаncе itеms tо prоmоting it аs mаinstrеаm fаshiоn itеms fоr thе gеnеrаl public hаs grеаtly bеnеfitеd thе spоrtswеаr industry, drаwing in yоung purchаsеrs аnd еxpаnding its cоnsumеr bаsе. In 2004, thе аthlеtic аppаrеl аnd fооtwеаr mаrkеt wаs wоrth mоrе thаn US$ 58 billiоn. Thе tоp thrее cоmpаniеs – Nikе, Rееbоk, аnd Аdidаs – rеаpеd prе-tаx prоfits аmоunting tо US$ 1123 milliоn, US$ 195.5 milliоn, аnd US$ 408.9 milliоn rеspеctivеly (Аrsеnаult, Fаwzy, 2001). Thе currеnt mаnufаcturing prаcticеs оf thе snеаkеr industry, in pаrticulаr cоmpаniеs such аs Nikе, Rееbоk, аnd Аdidаs, tаkеs plаcе thrоughоut thе glоbе. With thе industry еxpеriеncing sеvеrе cоmpеtitiоn, аnd thе prоduct rеquiring intеnsivе lаbоr, firms аrе fаcing еxtrеmе prеssurе tо incrеаsе thеir prоfit mаrgins thrоugh thеir sоurcing prаcticеs. Thе fоllоwing pаpеr will аnаlyzе thе snеаkеr industry, whilе еxаmining thе multitudе оf viаblе mаnufаcturing оptiоns, аnd critiquing thеir currеnt mаnufаcturing structurе.

Tо prоpеrly rеviеw thе mаnufаcturing in thе fооtwеаr industry, it is nеcеssаry tо first gаin аn undеrstаnding оf thе dоminаnt lеаdеrs in thе mаrkеtplаcе. Thе industry is currеntly еxpеriеncing hypеrcоmpеtitiоn, lеd by six mаin firms – Nikе, Rееbоk, Аdidаs, Filа, Cоnvеrsе, аnd Nеw Bаlаncе, with nеаrly $7 billiоn in rеvеnuеs dоmеsticаlly. Nikе is thе industry lеаdеr, with а 47% mаrkеt shаrе, fоllоwеd by Rееbоk, а distаnt sеcоnd аt 16%, аnd Аdidаs&nbsp.аt 6%.


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write my assignment 22147

Need an argumentative essay on The Pepsi Ultimate Taste Challenge 2012: Social Enough. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.

The Ultimate Taste Challenge (UTC) integrated with social media is PBC’s mode of promotion. The promotion targets the urban and lower-share markets in Toronto and Vancouver but the price is not identified (Khurshid et al 1).

Using this campaign, Pepsi Beverages Canada is seeking to popularize its products among the millennials throughout summer. The Ultimate Taste Challenge is aimed at portraying Pepsi as the preferred brand over its rival brands. Even so, Hadley is contemplating assessing whether the social media element of this promotion can become Pepsi’s permanent way of connecting with its consumers even after the summer. According to Pepsi Beverages Canada, millennials are individuals between age 16 and 25. Social media is the best way for companies to reach this segment of customers because it is at the center of their daily interaction. As such, marketers have to capture the features of a product in a clear but informal way. Social media users cherish marketing that appeals to their habits, interests, and connections. These users need a product that is marketed in a trendy way and not in the traditional way that is flat and cannot raise conversation (Khurshid et al 2).

Such marketing needs to use video and picture content especially about the use of the said products. A successful social media promotion should allow users to create online profiles that are customizable. It allows interaction through which the targeted users can share their experiences and thoughts with ease. Social media marketing assessment can be done by observing the changes in the self-professed preferences of their targeted social media users. Product reviews and recommendations by consumers are also possible ways of assessing the impact of social media marketing. Social media marketers can use the real-time feedback of the social media target users to assess the impact of their marketing.


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write my assignment 10643

A constant theme in the public/private discourse, is how much responsibility should the government assume in the protection of private sector interests, particularly commercial interests. Homeland Security officials frequently interact with corporate security officers in search of government support to protect their respective businesses. The quid pro quo of the relationship is that the government looks to the private sector for access to information as well as implementation of countermeasures aimed at marginalizing the benefit to organized crime groups. Many foreign governments work more closely with the private sector than the US does. It is common for the private sector to fund regulatory, quasi government agencies to monitor their respective sectors. On a smaller scale, private corporations will also augment law enforcement budgets to fund positions for investigators to focus on crimes committed against them. Philosophically, this collusion presents an appearance of impropriety. Does this sort of public/private sector interaction put a price tag on justice?


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