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write my assignment 20304

Complete 8 page APA formatted essay: International Auditing.

Ananda (2004) argues that, environmental auditing involves assessing whether the company is functioning in accordance with the requirements of environmental legislation. In addition, the audit intends to attain an independent external appraisal whether the management has formed proficient environmental policy and offered for satisfactory environmental approach. Environmental audits results to recommendations on how companies should reduce detrimental impacts to the environment in a cost-benefit and efficient approach, and how in the long term the company can save finances by via environmental friendly technology (Ananda 2004).

According to Ananda (2004), social audit is the process of evaluating a company’s code of conduct, operating procedures and other factors to determine its effects on the society. Social audit is a formal assessment of a companys activities in social responsibility. It evaluates factors such as an organizations record of charitable giving, energy use, volunteer activity and work environment-transparency (Ananda 2004). Additionally, it assesses, worker pay and benefits to appraise what kind of environmental and social impact a company is having in its locations of operation. Social audits are not obligatory since companies can prefer whether to execute them and whether to make public the results or only use them internally only (Donald 2004).

According to Anthony & Michael (2003), historically, public, corporate documentation of financial statements goes back to the 1850s. At that period, reporting on environmental and social matters was not so included in the corporate financial reports. The management included only financial accounting on their presentations on the financial statement information. The corporate entities focused on their economic activities only in their approaches to accounting. Such activities affected the economy through


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write my assignment 28636

Another method of tracking/organizing your research is using an Annotated Bibliography. An annotated bibliography is one of the most important tools in conducting research. It is a list of sources on a particular topic that includes a brief summary of the article in your own words (not copying the abstract) and the connection that supports your paper.

In module 3 you will be tasked with writing a paper on time management (directions below). The paper will be required to be supported by research instead of your opinion. For this assignment, first you must identify your time management.

Here is a link to an assessment that will give you a free snapshot and graph with a summary evaluation (no need to purchase the full results):

https:// to an external site.)

Module 03: Time Management Paper

To gain a better understanding of yourself as a learner and maximize your potential for developing strategies for time management, you need to evaluate the way you prefer to learn and process information. Utilizing information from your Annotated Bibliography, write a 3 page time management reflection paper that addressed the following statements/questions-

1. Briefly explain your time management efficiency. According to research on time management how can you reach or maintain your optimum level of time management? What are the challenges?

2. What strategies/techniques assist with you with time management through the graduate program?

3. How does the online learning platform impact your time management? How will you overcome some the challenges related to the online world?

Remember, this is not an opinion-based paper on your thoughts, rather it is a paper supported by the research.

The purpose of this paper is to ascertain your ability to write scholarly and cite peer reviewed sources.

  • APA 7th edition is required
  • Additional research is required from peer reviewed sources using Welder Library E-Resources or Google Scholar
  • Utilizing 5 of your 10 sources from your Annotated Bibliography is required.
  • Paper should include a title page and reference page (not part of the 3 pages of content required for the paper)

Annotated Bibliography Assignment:

Once you have identified your personal time management efficiency you will begin to research and complete an Annotated Bibliography. For example, if I identified myself as a procrastinator, then I would conduct research how I can overcome procrastination. Another example might be researching how time management can reduce stress or anxiety? These are only examples, so please free to connect your strategies according to your time management efficiency.

You must select, read, and review 10 scholarly articles on your personal learning style. The articles must be peer reviewed journal articles from either Welder Library Eresources or Google Scholar. Articles from dot com’s or dot org websites will not be accepted.

Provide an annotated bibliography properly formatted in APA that addresses the following for each article.

An annotated bibliography should avoid first person and be completed using APA format and include:

  • The purpose of the study
  • The findings of the study
  • The relevance of the study to the student’s scholarly interests


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write my assignment 909

b. A study of school bus fleets reports that the average per bus maintenance cost is $4000 per year. using the maintenance cost variable, conduct a hypothesis test to determine whether the mean maintenance cost for the Lincolnville bus fleet is more than $4000nat the .01 significance level. determine the p value and report the results.

71. using the Lincolnville school District bus data

A. Develop a 95% confidence interval for the mean bus maintenance cost.

B. Develop a 95% confidence interval for the mean bus odometer miles.

C. Submit a business memo to the state transportation official to report your results.


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write my assignment 28668

Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: Staphylococcus and streptococcus. Botulinum, C.Perfringen among others and Staphylococcus spp and streptococcus spp. Bacillus spp are typical endospore, competent naturally, gram-positive, aerobic or facultative aerobic bacilli .Rode shaped. These tests have been explored in the next section. Results Gram staining Commonly, Gram staining is technique employed in the two broad groups of bacteria differentiation and it’s based on the different constituents of the bacteria cell wall. The technique is able to distinguish between Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria groups by red or violet coloring of the cells. Violet staining indicate Gram positive bacteria because of a thick layer of peptidoglycan presence in the bacteria cell walls, hence the crystal violet is retained by these stained cells. On the other hand, red staining, indicate Gram negative bacteria and this is due to a thinner peptidoglycan wall that never retains the crystal violet during the process of discoloring. In the test the bacteria were Gram positive, the primary stain was retained and the secondary stain was lost resulting to violate appearance after viewing under a microscope. Culturing The incubation was both with incubation on agar and broth media at a temperature of 37 oc and 25 oc Techniques A spec­i­men loop was got then streaked on one sec­tion, flamed and cool, later turned at 45o then streaked for a 2nd time, that over­lap­ped the first streak.&nbsp. It was repeated for third and fourth time.&nbsp. Iso­lated regions were got in the third region with large growth amount, irregular growth form and with elevated colony. Incubation temperature was at 37 oc. When this isolate was grown on agar plate at 37 oc, there was a lot of growth with dark colored colonies. growth form was circular, with flat, filamentous margin. Alternatively when it was grown on agar at 25 oc, the amount of growth was spread out, growth form was irregular and flat, and margin was flat. Growth in broth media at 37 oc the amount of growth was that there was a membrane on top of the broth. growth pattern was aerobe with oxygen on top. But in broth media at 25 oc there was no growth seen. Biochemical tests: Carbohydrate Fermentation &nbsp.&nbsp. Some bacteria identification is aided by identifying the type of nutrients it can utilize as well as the type of end products in the process that will be produced. These characteristics are regulated by the bacteria enzymes produced. Furthermore, this enzymes produced are genetically regulated, the sugars pattern fermented may be unique to a specific strain or species. The products of fermentation are normally acid such as acetic acid, lactic acid, etc, neutral such as ethyl alcohol etc, or gases like hydrogen, carbon dioxide, etc. In the experiment, the determination of the sugar fermentation products of the unknown organism given was by first preparation of carbohydrate fermentation broth at pH 7.4. The broth contained any of the following essential ingredients: 0.5% to 1.0% of the carbohydrate to be tested that included lactose, glucose, Sucrose maltose and starch, nutrient broth and the phenol red pH indicator. The light red color nutrient broth is able to support most organisms’ growth regardless of being able to ferment sugar or not. The unknown test organism was inoculated into a broth having the mentioned above test sugar then later incubated.


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