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write my assignment 18026

  1. The Self (40 points)
  2. Explain the avocado idea that reason is the essence of human nature
  3. Explain a version of the avocado idea of the self (Descartes, Greek rationalism, St. Augustine, etc.)
  4. Explain the artichoke idea that the self is created by experience, action, etc. and changes over time
  5. Explain phenomenology and existentialism
  6. Discuss how the two approaches differ
  7. Avocado Self and Art as Representation (25 points)Discuss a character/narrator/subject in a work of art (novel, poem, film, graphic novel, short story, television show, song, painting, etc.) who you think captures the avocado/modern idea that we have an essential, shared human nature and that the self and the world are distinct entities. 
  8. Explain the idea that representational art is based upon the idea that the subject/mind and the object/world/body are distinct.
  9. Artichoke Self and Art as Transformation (25 points)
  10. Discuss a character/narrator/subject in a work of art (novel, poem, film, graphic novel, short story, television show, song, painting, etc.) who you think captures the artichoke/post-modern idea of the self. 
  11. Discuss the idea that the self and the world are organic unities and that artistic creation expresses this unity of subject and object (Schelling).  
  12. Discuss the relationship between art and philosophy by addressing the following (25 points):
  13. Descartes/modern philosophy/natural standpoint
  14. Keats, Schelling, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and/or Heidegger on art as the ultimate expression of truth and the rejection of the natural standpoint
  15. Discuss the impact of form and culture on the power of art


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write my assignment 15785

I will do audio part if possible just write outline for me. Please just do the powerpoint

For this assignment, tell a visual and written story that explains how individual perceptions of power can create conflict situations between law enforcement and members of a community. To do this, create a 10–12 slide PowerPoint presentation in which you use text and visuals to support your narrative.

Note that one of the qualities of a good PowerPoint presentation is not having too much text on each slide. Use the slide notes feature to flesh out your points. You might think of this as a script for what you would say if you were presenting verbally.

Complete the following:

  • Explain how individual perceptions of power may contribute to conflict situations.
  • Discuss the impact of perceptions of power on interpersonal relationships.
  • Use visual imagery to depict perceptions of power and conflict.
  • Create a presentation that articulates meaning relevant to its purpose and audience.

Assignment Requirements

Your presentation should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Presentation is well organized and engaging.
  • Visual communication: Use of images is professional and supports the ideas presented on the slides.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA Style and Format guidelines.
  • Length: 10–12 slides.


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write my assignment 26151

 Scenario: You must perform the following tasks on the VMware virtual machine assigned to you at the school (https://is20.fp.stlcc.edu). Required Resources Virtual computer on the VMware server. Part 1: 1. Install CentOS6.x operating system on the VMware virtual machine and name it: midterm (10 points) 2. Create the following user account: user name Midterm18, password: Password18, set the root password to RootPassword (5 points) 3. Create a document in your Documents directory with your name and “midterm” as text in it. (5 points) Part 2: 1. Login as the user Midterm18, and perform the following tasks as this user. (5 point) 2. Create a new directory in Midterm18 user ‘s home folder called: midterm. (2 points) 3. Navigate to the midterm directory. Perform all work in the midterm directory. (3 points) 4. Create a file called “etcdir” by listing the detailed content of the “etc” directory (include all hidden files in the listing), and redirect it into the “etcdir” file. (10 points) 5. Separate out the directories into a new file called “onlydirectories”. (15 points) Note: check https:// 6. Separate out all files into a new file called “onlyfiles”. (15 points) 7. Sort the content of “onlyfiles” in reverse order based on the names, and name the output as “sortedfiles”. (10 points) 8. Sort the content of “onlydirectories” in reverse order based on the names, and name the output as “sorteddirectories”. (10 points) 9. Combine the “sortedfiles”, and “sorteddirectories” files into a new file called “combined” where the files are listed first, and directories listed second. (5 points) 10. Change the permissions on all the files in the midterm directory so only the owner of the file can read, and write the files (all other permissions are denied). (5 point) Note: You should have 6 files once you finished in the midterm directory. Your file sizes and dates will be different, but all other information should match with the following display: -rw——-. 1 Midterm18 Midterm18 12865 Jun 4 19:01 combined -rw——-. 1 Midterm18 Midterm18 6390 Jun 4 18:35 onlydirectories -rw——-. 1 Midterm18 Midterm18 14291 Jun 4 18:26 etcdir -rw——-. 1 Midterm18 Midterm18 6475 Jun 4 18:52 onlyfiles -rw——-. 1 Midterm18 Midterm18 6390 Jun 4 18:59 sorteddirectories -rw——-. 1 Midterm18 Midterm18 6475 Jun 4 18:58 sortedfiles 


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write my assignment 30722

System Security Certification and Accreditation through the following scenario. APA FORMAT


You have just been hired as the security manager of Medical Credentials Company (MCC), reporting to the Chief Information Officer (CIO). MCC is a kind of clearinghouse for doctors, hospitals, and group practices. It stores and distributes information on its clients, including sensitive information on previous malpractice lawsuits or disciplinary action. MCC is converting from an in-house database to a distributed database, which can be queried by telecommuting employees and clients. This change requires a high level of security. It is your responsibility to provide your engineers with the security requirements and at the same time convince senior management that the system being developed is robust and secure enough to protect this sensitive information. After careful examination of the database requirements and security requirements, you decide that compliance with the current accreditation/authorization process (NIST 800-37 RMF) would sufficiently protect the database from intrusion and tampering.

Project Background

After your initial meeting with the CIO, she is close to agreeing that the database system needs to comply with an accreditation/authorization process. She needs to understand that the Orange Book is the precursor to current methodologies. She understands the general ideas behind the process, but needs you to explain the NIST 800-37 (RMF) process: the different roles and how the process works in six steps.

Assignment Description

Review the provided scenario and create the shell for the case study

The project deliverables are as follows:

WEEK 1: Case Study Outline: (600-700 WORDS)

·      Introduction

·      The organizational profile

·      Project Goals

·      Compliance with C-2 Criteria

·      Assurance and the Orange Book: Explain how the Orange Book is the precursor to current accreditation and authorization methodologies.

·      B-3 Criteria Compliance

·      Explain the NIST 800-37 (RMF) process:  6 steps and the roles involved in each step. 



Project Background

Becoming better acquainted with the history of accreditation and authorization has made you aware that you need to start planning tasks in order to complete a system authorization in a timely manner. In addition, you need to clarify the additional assurance provided to justify the extra resources to your CIO.

The project deliverables for week 2 are as follows:

Week 2: The DITSCAP Process: (600-700 WORDS)

The History of Accreditation and Authorization Section:

·      Analyze the differences in the types of authorization.

·      Explain how the authorization process applies to the new database system.

·      Give your CIO a brief clarification of the additional assurance provided by the NIST RMF process, to justify the extra time and money for additional tasks.



Project Background

Your CIO asked you to identify security controls in the Information Assurance (IA) family that are relevant to the database, using your sound reasoning and professional judgment. Based on the assumption that your system is a moderate, moderate, moderate… which of the IA family controls do you believe would be relevant to the database and why? Using NIST SP 800-53, create a table. Include columns for the control, the description, and comments. Be sure to include comments in your matrix regarding why or why not the control applies. (NOTE: not all of the controls should be applicable).

The project deliverables for Week 3 are as follows:

WEEK 3: Appendix Development Section: (600-700 WORDS)

·      Introduction

·      Explain the content that should go into the appendix

·      A justification as to why or why not the controls apply



Week 4

Project Background

The CIO is concerned with the number of security controls that they will have to implement for the database. She wants to know if all of the controls have to be implemented all at one time or if a phased approach can be used. Luckily, you know about the priority codes assigned to each control, which are explained in the NIST 800-53 Rev 4, Appendix G. Explain this process along with the Plan of Actions and Milestones (POA&M) process to the CIO. Don’t forget to illustrate how this relates to the Continuous Monitoring (Step 6: Monitor) Phase of RMF.

The project deliverables for week 4 are as follows:

Week 4: The Common Criteria System (600-700 WORDS)

  • The NIST 800-37 RMF (continued) Section:
  • Explain the priority codes assigned to security controls
  • Explain the POA&M process and how it relates to Continuous Monitoring
  • C-2 Orange Book Protection Profile



Project Background

In an IT security networking meeting, you join a group discussion the Common Criteria. Now you’re going to have to move up to the Common Criteria. You will need to focus on the Protection Profile (PP). A Protection Profile contains the necessary security requirements to achieve the operational functionality and assurance for a generic product or system of the designated category.

You’re in front of your CIO and she is not pleased that you have changed direction. You have explained the fundamentals to her, and now she is asking more detailed questions. This week you will respond to questions from your CIO.

The project deliverables are as follows:

WEEK 5: The EAL Ratings in the Common Criteria (600-700 WORDS)

·      What is the value of the Evaluation Assurance Level ( EAL) rating in the CC model?

·      There is a treaty that requires the signatory nations to accept CC evaluations of products (U.S. and most European countries) from one country to another up to EAL4. Why is EAL4 a breakpoint?



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